20. I See Fire

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Oh, misty eye of the mountain below

Keep careful watch of my brothers’ souls

And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke

Keep watching over Durin’s Sons


If this is to end in fire

Then we should all burn together

Watch the flames climb high into the night


            “Harley wake up.” I shook her shoulders as I saw her eyes slowly open.

            “What’s going on?” she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and I couldn’t help but smile while I watched her.

            “It’s time go sweetie. Boarder patrol spotted wolves coming in from the south side of the city. They’re trying to ambush us in the middle of the night. I need you to take the kids and go into one of the panic rooms ok?” At first I thought designated panic rooms around the town were a little much but now I was thanking God that they were prepared.

            Harley jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes. She grabbed her phone and her guitar and headed for the door. “Harley do you really need to take that thing everywhere?” I asked her a little aggravated that she would decided to take that.

            “When you’re siblings are scared out of their minds because they’re going into an underground panic room eerily similar to the ones they went into when their parents were murdered, you’re going to thank me for keeping them distracted.” She answered with a smirk on her face.

            I shut my eyes, cursing my mind for not thinking of it before. “You’re absolutely right. I’m so sorry.”

            “Don’t worry about it. You can thank me by not getting your ass handed to you out there.” She smiled at me, trying to ease the tension but there was too much to ease.

            “I’m going to go wake the kids, you should probably get Eli if he’s not already awake. I think I heard your parents up downstairs.” I walked across the hall to open their bedroom door to find them already awake.

            “The pack link woke us up.” Alice answered my unasked questions.

            “Alright, well after you get dressed, in something warm, you’re going to go with Eli and Harley some place.”

            “What about you?” Alice asked while they dressed.

            “I’m going to go help protect you. It’s the least I can do. But don’t worry I’m going to keep an open link between all of you. We’ve had this thing for forever and it’s time we use it.” I told them.

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