part 13: fluff

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"I and the team were wondering if you wanted to hang out at Levs? We plan on watching horror movies all night since he said he wasn't scared" Kuroo asked as he walked with Kenma to the library.

"Naw I don't want to waste my free time hearing lev scream about a moving shadow" Kenma said.

"C'mon it'll be fun. The whole team will be there so yaku can calm him down if he gets too loud" Kuroo urged.

"The whole team?" Kenma asked.


"Fine but I'm gonna eat his food if it's not all vegan like last time," Kenma said, remembering the last time he went to lev's house and all he had was vegan food.

"His mom is on a different diet and if you really want some we can pick some snacks up before we go" Kuroo suggested.

"Okay, what time is it?" Kenma asked.

"It's at 8 pm. I could walk to your house and then we can go to his house together" Kuroo said. Kenma hated it but all three of them lived in the same neighborhood.

"Okay, whatever. We're here" Kenma said as he reluctantly put his game away in his bag and walked into the library.

Kuroo opened the door and Kenma walked in before he did himself. They went to their seat in the back of the library that was a conversation pit.

They sat at the bottom of it and got out their textbooks, pencils, and notebooks. They were studying for a final exam coming up and were deciding to study together.

30 minutes into the study session they had completed 2 1/2 pages of notes and information. "So which of the following separates a title and subtitle in APA formatting?" Kenma asked before listing off the choices.

"Um, a semi-colon?" Kuroo guessed.

"No, it's a colon. Write that down too" Kenma said before his sight when black.

He felt fine as he looked around the library, the whole library was enveloped in total darkness while whispers from other people could be heard from their spot. He heard someone looking around and then felt a hand wrap around his wrist.

"Dude I think there's been a power outage," Kuroo said. "Please keep stating the obvious. Wait are you scared of the dark?" Kenma asked a little amused at kuroo's reaction to the dark.

Kuroo's hold on Kenmas arm loosened and he crossed his arms, no doubtfully pouting in his spot. "No I'm scared of what could be in it," he said matter-of-factly before grabbing back onto kenmas wrist.

"Oh, so you're scared of the monsters that could be in it? What if they were here right now, they could be anywhere" Kenma said smugly as he gently brushed over kuroo's leg with his fingertips to scare him.

Kuroo gasped and moved his legs, the sound of papers crumbling when he did. "Don't do that Kenma!" Kuroo scolded, it sounding more like a plead.

The lights turned back on and they could see each other along with the notes Kuroo slightly crumpled. Kenma smirked and picked up his notes, Kuroo taking his hand back to get his notes so he could straighten them out.

"I don't think lev will be the only one screaming tonight," Kenma said before going back to his textbooks.

Kuroo rolled his eyes and went back to straightening his papers. After that little incident, they studied for 2 more hours, a teacher coming by once to tell that that it was indeed just a power outage.

After their study session, they both went their way, Kenma taking the bus to his house since he didn't want to walk alone and Kuroo to the store to get different candies and chips.

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