part 34: angst/fluff (aftermath of thunderstorm)

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Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock

"Kuroo go get the door!" Kuroos mom yelled.

"Gimme a sec!" Kuroo yelled back from his room, getting up from his desk to walk down the stairs and to the front door.

Who was possibly at his door during a thunderstorm? And a pretty bad one.

Before he could even see who it was when he opened the door he felt a cold and shivering body close to his, shivering arms wrapping around him for a split second.

"Woah woah hey you doing okay?" He asked, putting his arms around the familiar body while he looked at the two people in the doorway.

It was kenmas parents.

They had an umbrella over them, protecting them from the water.

"I'm so sorry to come unannounced. Can we come in? Something terrible happened" Kenma'a mom said, sadness and worry in her voice.

"Yeah of course come inside please" Kuroo said, ushering Kenma to the side while his parents walked in.

Kuroos mom came into the living room with and was about to ask who it was before she saw the state of everyone.

"Oh dear. What happened?"

The adults all sat down in the living room, kenmas parents taking the couch while Kuroos mom took the chair.

Kenma pulled away from Kuroo and looked down, his hair and clothes still dripping from the water outside.

"Hey you're gonna okay. Lets go to my room, I was just studying for the upcoming test"


"Whatever you say shortie"

They walked in silence while they excused themselves and walked up the stairs. When they got in the hallway Kuroo tried to make Kenma more comfortable since he assumed the thunderstorm effected the whole family.

"It'll be okay Kenma. Lets get you into a nice warm bath and then some new clothes. I'll let you know when they get any updates okay?" Kuroo said softly, ushering Kenma into his room.

The curtains were drawn but they knew behind it it was pitch dark, the only time it was lighting up was when lighting struck every so often.

"Whatever. Just don't give me your pity. I see how you look at me. Just because my house got burned a little doesn't mean I'm any different okay? Just don't" Kenma said, trying to get away from kuroos touch even though all he wanted to do right now was be next to Kuroo.

"I know I know. It's just be a simple bath and change of clothes, we don't want you to smell bad now do we?" Kuroo said with a smile, letting Kenma stand by his own while he looked for smaller clothes.

"Well fuck you too" Kenma said, taking the pieces of clothing as they were given to him.

"Alright take as long as you need. The storm has stopped so you can use the water. You know how to turn it on?" Kuroo asked.

"Yeah I do. I'll be out in 20" Kenma said, walking to the bathroom in kuroos room but stopping before he went in.

"Wait Kuroo"

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