t w e n t y

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"Wake up darling," I hear masters voice whisper as he kisses my forehead, but no matter how nice he tries to be I won't willingly get up. Pulling the blanket over my head and whining unfortunately doesn't help me today, "Last warning baby, its a big day. Get up." he warns.

Unwillingly, I open my eyes and stare at him before shaking my head and trying to get comfy again however that doesn't work as Jax leans down and swiftly picks me up removing me from the warmth of the bed. I just whine more which causes him to give me the look, which in my opinion isn't fair, who cares if he is my master, no one should be allowed to disturb my sleep.

Carrying me into the bathroom and sitting me down next to the sink, he sighs "You know I don't like waking you up, but as I said its a big day, we've gotta help George's mother get here to start the treatment."

"I know master," I say feeling slightly guilty, "I just hate getting up."

"I know," he gives me another small kiss on my forehead before passing me the toothbrush, "Get ready love, then meet me in the kitchen we leave in fifteen minutes. We are gonna get breakfast on the way and then if you truly are still tired you can nap. Sound good?"

"Sounds good master." I reply and Jax leaves the room. I quickly finish up in the bathroom before leaving to find an outfit for me to wear laid out on the bed, I smile happy that I don't have to stare at my clothes for five minutes debating what fabric to put on my body for the day.

As I walk into the kitchen I'm met with the grin of George and Jax looking impatient. "Come on Bailey, we said we'd be there in an hour at this rate we will be late."

Without saying anything I walk towards him and bury myself into his chest, "Still tired I see, come on if I give you a kiss will you wake up long enough to reach the car, I promise you can sleep whilst we drive."

Slowly, I nod my head so he gives me a kiss, I love the feeling of his soft lips on my head, it doesn't really wake me up but it does makes me want to cuddle closer to him. So despite our agreement I wrap my arms around his body, to my surprise he just picks me up.

"You seriously know how to get your way with me," he mutters under his breath as he carries me towards the door causing George to quietly laugh.

True to Jax's word as soon as we start the drive I close my eyes and drift off into a sleep again, yet it only feels like I've been sleeping for five minutes when I feel someone shake me awake. When I open my eyes and see George smiling at me I decide I can't complain as I'm here for him and I don't want to make him or master annoyed today so I get up and out of the car to help.

Whilst we wait for someone to come and open the door I lean closer to master, without saying anything he wraps his arm around my small body and pulls me closer. It doesn't take long until the door is opened by a larger man with a wide grin on his face, "Nice to see you again George," he smiles towards my friend before turning towards me and Jax, "Hi, I'm George's brother Liam nice to meet you and thank you so much for letting George stay with you and paying for our mothers treatment. I have a very busy life with a low paying job and well George is a sub so when our dad left we really struggled for money. We really can not thank you enough, she is just inside resting right now but trust me she is so happy about this and-"

Jax cuts him off by saying "Hi, I am Jax and this is my sub Bailey, Georges friend. No need to thank me, I'll do anything for Bailey and since his only friend is George and this will make them both happy, then it is really no problem."

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