t w e n t y t h r e e

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"Wanna go out to eat tonight?" I call out to Bailey as I walked into the kitchen to join him, he was sat at the table doing some art.

After our exciting night yesterday, we had decided to have a lazy day today, it was the weekend so I didn't have to work and George was still staying at Blaine's for some reason so we had a day together alone.

"Sounds good to me, I have an outfit that I haven't had chance to wear yet so I could wear that." he replies looking over towards me with a smile.

"Which one?" I ask sitting down next to him.

"Those black jeans with the boots and belt, and I was hoping to wear one of your shirts, please, I'd look really cute, like super good." he gives me the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course you can wear one of my shirts you don't need to ask, they might be a bit big on you though, but whatever you want- I'm sure you will look amazing as usual."

"Thank youuu!" he replies before going back to his drawing.

I leave him be whilst I make my lunch, Bailey had already had a sandwich so I just heated up some leftover soup we had eaten a few days ago. It wasn't long before I had finished and turned back to Bailey. Peering over his shoulder, I looked at his drawing, "That looks really good sweetheart." I mumble.

"You think!" his head turns to me in surprise, "Your not just saying that cause you love me?"

"No, well yes I love you but I really do think its very good, a million times better than I ever could've done, have you had classes or something to get better?"

"We did some 'child' art in primary school but that was just your average bad looking mini projects you know. We didn't get the option to take an art class at sub school cause you know, I'm self taught, I used tutorials online and practiced a lot to get here, I still have a long way to go with improvements though." he explains whilst shading a section of the background.

"Well, I believe its perfect but if you want some art classes, I could always have a look for some. There is a university nearby that offer classes for subs, or I can look for some online classes if you would prefer not having to go in person."

"Really!?" he asks in shock, stopping his drawing, "You don't have to I mean they must be expensive."

"They might be but remember, I am rich, I have enough money to send you to an art class, not even just art class, any classes you want you can go to."

"Seriously? I'd absolutely love to do some art classes, oh and maybe English too, I've always loved poetry and books." he says with a massive grin.

"Yes silly, of course I'm serious, I wouldn't lie to you. Besides, I've been planning on seeing if you wanted to do any classes for ages, I know how boring it must be either sitting at home all day or being at my office doing nothing for hours- they're something to do and I believe you would find them fun."

"I would, I really would! If it isn't too much trouble, could you look into booking me onto a art course and an English course, no rush though of course and if its too much money don't worry."

I just laugh, "Bailey, it will take me two seconds to send an application for you to start next term, and as I've said before do not worry about money okay."

"Okay masterrrrr." I ignore his attitude for now cause he is being cute and thoughtful about my money instead of being a greedy brat like I thought it would be like if I got a sub.

"I'll have a look at work next time I'm in the office- its easier to look on my computer."

"Thank you!" he exclaims before kissing me delicately on my cheek then turning away with a blush to continue with his art.

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