ii. "and the moon into blood"

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TWO,        and the moon into blood

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TWO, and the moon into blood

    JUNPEI ABE STARED attentively at Katerina, who carefully observed her surroundings, her doe eyes were lit with such wonder for the culture around her, the different types of people (old and young), even their attire, and most importantly the u...

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JUNPEI ABE STARED attentively at Katerina, who carefully observed her surroundings, her doe eyes were lit with such wonder for the culture around her, the different types of people (old and young), even their attire, and most importantly the unique abilities they each had to offer to the coven. From traditional magic to necromancy. All equally important. It was a beautiful sight to witness. Standing and watching them interact. There were faint laughs mostly of young children paired with the whistle of winds blowing that made the leaves rustle against each other, and although there was still no sun shining down on them- it didn't seem to matter nor stop their day from continuing.

Katerina was a kid wanting to put her hand in the cookie jar and learn all there was to know about them. Specifically, the way their magic worked. She didn't care how or what she had to do to obtain that sort of information yet something was making her nervous about taking such action. She couldn't quite explain what was going through her head as she looked at the scene in front of her. She knew it was wrong to put all of them in harm's way just to save herself but then she would be dead. Katerina couldn't allow that. She wouldn't.

Junpei noticed her eyes darting about from person to person- even him. She had this haunted look on her face, which worried him if he was being honest with himself. He understood that she was far from home and that alone would make anyone a bit hesitant to trust despite their generous aid. But he could tell there was something else bothering the vampire.

Perhaps, it wouldn't be the smartest idea to pry.

"What's got you all tense? Don't say it's me." He asked, subtly throwing a little humor in there in an attempt to make the mood a bit lighter.

Katerina was caught by surprise. She didn't expect him to make conversation with her or that he'd be already staring at her when glancing up at him. She inhaled sharply before speaking. "I wouldn't want to destroy your poor ego when I tell you you're not the reason for my nerves."

"Please, a pretty face like yours could never hurt me." He said smugly as he maintained eye contact. She tilted her head up at him.

Junpei knew he confused Katerina by simply being the opposite of his sister, who openly expressed just how much she despised vampires. Truth is, he has never had negative feelings towards them or any other supernatural creature that wasn't a witch. The idea of ever hating anything just seemed unnecessarily exhausting in his eyes. He didn't understand how his family and coven could have so much hatred in their hearts. He didn't blame them though, because witches are beings who are meant to keep the balance that allows the world to keep turning on its axis. But ever since that perfect harmony was disrupted, nature's protectors have had the curse of setting things back on track and there was only one person to blame for that.

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