i. "the sun falls into darkness"

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ONE,        the suns falls into darkness

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ONE,        the suns falls into darkness

    HIMARI ABE WAS never one to challenge the heavens for she was a devoted believer

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    HIMARI ABE WAS never one to challenge the heavens for she was a devoted believer. She did not question why the sun, moon, and stars were aligned faultlessly with our galaxy to bring humanity their sunny days and cold nights nor did she question the beauty of nature, the essence of life itself, because if she challenged then that would mean she'd have to face the truth -the evil plaguing this beautiful earth, she means- and she was not quite ready to accept such a sad reality. She would much rather live in her own mind where everything seemed to be serene, no burden of what the world might be if she were to fail.

Playing naive was a game she was very good at. She'd perfected it by the time she reached eighteen, but she couldn't act blindly anymore. Not when great responsibility was laid upon her shoulders. She was twenty-one now and she'd soon have to break that barrier of childish, false notions that clouded her judgment about how good and pure she believed mankind to be because unfortunately, it was nothing like that. The world was cruel, unforgiving, and tragic. While it was hard to accept like most things were, Himari could not ignore what was right in front of her and that was the creatures bound to the sun that continued to roam about in this world. It was unnatural. They were unnatural. She felt the imbalance in nature grow every time another was created.

The world was continuously being infected and there was only one person to blame.

Himari never spoke of her. She was a waste of breath and brought shame to all witches. She was the witch responsible for centuries' worth of deaths by going against the laws of nature (that were built to prevent future harm) and create vampires- they were called the originals. The first to survive off of blood. And now they will be the cause of what Himari will become all because that woman couldn't handle the loss of a loved one.

Himari could only spare so much pity for that family, especially the hybrid, before the bodies of innocent people piled up and they continued to grow even more dangerous over the years. She couldn't find it in herself to care anymore. That's why she didn't mind becoming a weapon of destruction. Truthfully, she viewed it as a blessing if anything- what could be more honorable than taking down one of nature's biggest threats?

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