iv. Welcome to the devil's town!

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FOUR,         welcome to the devil's town!

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FOUR,         welcome to the devil's town!

        HIMARI HAD A knack for disguising herself amongst the crowd

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HIMARI HAD A knack for disguising herself amongst the crowd. She liked to watch the chaos unfold from a distance and see the rise and fall of kingdoms as she tipped the first domino from behind the scenes. Hiding made it easier for her to observe and carefully calculate her next move without any mistakes. Mistakes weren't allowed. It gave her the advantage of learning all about her enemy's lives, their strengths, and most importantly their weak points. Figuring out someone's weakness interested her far more than how strong they were because it didn't matter. At least not to her. She believed once you knew how to break a person whether it be physically or mentally, the knowledge of their power was useless.

If she got her hands on your worst nightmare, your fears, hell even your insecurities, it would be enough to deteriorate your brain from the inside out and tug on your strings like a puppet. She's taken a nasty habit of using people as her pawn pieces in this sick game of revenge. She was aware of how bad it's gotten but that itch underneath her skin for violence was telling her to keep going and that damn voice she couldn't seem to shake. It was telling her she couldn't stop until justice was served to her on a silver platter.

That is what she deserved after all.

So Himari listened. She ignored the moral compass in her head yelling at her about how unrepentant she had become. Every heinous act she's committed so far, the bloodshed caused by her hands, everything would be worth it in the end.

It had to be.

And so here she was—Mystic Falls—keeping an eye on her new pawns.

The minute Himari stepped into this town, she could feel the magic flowing through it and it lead her straight to the only other witch involved in all this: Bonnie Bennett.

There was no doubt in her mind that the young girl had extraordinary powers. The Bennett bloodline was one of great strength, all she needed was someone to guide her in the right direction. She sensed that Bonnie didn't really have control, that she was afraid of her own magic for some odd reason. She was an outcast among her group of friends. And from what Himari could tell Bonnie had no one who understood her. There were no other witches in this town —besides herself but of course, no one knew that yet— who would take her under their wing. Which was sad, yes, but that feeling of isolation could be used to the Kitsune's advantage if she played her cards correctly.

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