x. Sly rabbit

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TEN,        Sly rabbit

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TEN,        Sly rabbit

     ELENA WAS A prisoner in her home

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ELENA WAS A prisoner in her home. She was stuck with her thoughts all day. There had been a lack of trust from all her friends and for good reason. She was on a 'suicide mission' or so they say. But it was much more than that, she just didn't want anyone to die because of her again. They didn't seem to understand. This feeling of guilt would hurt even more, it'd seep farther down into her skin and poison her. She couldn't live like that. Ever since her parents died she couldn't allow anyone else to die. Not for her.

Despite her protests, Stefan and Damon continued coming up with solutions on how to save her and that just frustrated Elena even more. They weren't listening.

She didn't want to be saved.

Everyone knew exactly how this ended for her so she didn't understand why they were trying to avoid the inevitable. It seemed pointless to have any sort of hope. She'd already accepted her death, why couldn't they?

Amid her futile attempts to escape her home throughout the day, the anticipation of seeing a certain person lingered. Himari. Elena still had so much she wanted to ask, uncertainties she needed to unravel. There was a part of her that didn't entirely believe Katherine was telling the truth, perhaps, it was caution from the previous times the vampire had lied to save herself.

Two things stood out to Elena when she spoke to Katherine. First, the mention of Himari's search for something other than the moonstone piqued her interest, a detail Damon hinted at during his encounter at Slater's with Rose. Secondly, Katherine's suggestion of handing Himari over to Klaus. It filled her with dread, Elena didn't want that. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone taking her place, especially someone who hadn't done anything wrong to her. Himari had done her part in saving Elena multiple times when she didn't need to, and for that, the doppelgänger felt in some way she was in debt to her.

The girl lay on her bed, resting her head on her arms as she mindlessly looked out the window. She'd been in that position for the past hour just overthinking about everything. She noticed there weren't many stars out tonight, it was a clear midnight sky and only the moon shined. Elena wished she could fall asleep like everyone else, but her thoughts kept her up. She couldn't shake this feeling of apprehension that something bad going to happen.

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