xii. Don't you trust me?

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TWELVE,       Don't you trust me?

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TWELVE, Don't you trust me?

     HIMARI WAS TRYING her best to keep the seams of her being from pulling apart

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     HIMARI WAS TRYING her best to keep the seams of her being from pulling apart. To put this facade on that everything was okay. That nothing was bothering her because nothing ever did and she had everything under control. Like always. That was true up until she discovered that Klaus had the upper hand on her, it was all she could think about— a constant loop playing in her head for hours, taunting and driving her crazy. Fear seemed to grow at the core of her being at the possibility of him showing up whenever he pleased knowing she wouldn't have the means to fight him.

He took away any chance of that.

She did not want to admit that paranoia had bloomed gradually in the wake of her intrepidity. If she admitted it she'd have to fully accept the truth: Klaus could win. He would if she did nothing to prevent it. But what else could she do?

Everything he needed was here in Mystic Falls— in the palm of his hand. The moonstone, werewolves, vampires, a doppelgänger...

and Himari.

The witch believed that by arriving here first, she'd have some advantage over him but that wasn't enough. It never was. Nothing was ever that easy. She knew this too well. It's why she agreed to Elijah's alliance because going on this journey alone was a death sentence, why she was okay with taking the lives of the people who tried to get in her way, and why she's still residing in this town trying to gain the trust of the people closest to Elena despite their lack of cooperation. She knew the only way Elena would survive the ritual was if they trusted her enough with her life.

And so far, it seemed like, after everything she's done, none of it mattered.

Not even her relationship with Bonnie seemed stable. Himari noticed the girl keeping her distance, she hadn't asked for her help ever since their last conversation which didn't on the best of terms.

(At least, that's what Himari thought).

It would be the only explanation for the cold shoulder Bonnie was giving her.

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