Sacrifices: Part 2

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   "Bucky calm down, we'll find her," Steve tried to tell Bucky who was punching a punching bag in the training room.

    "You said that 3 months ago, Steve," he kept punching the bag, every time with more force.

    It was true, they didn't know if they'd put you in cyro-freeze or if they were torturing you, if you were dead? There was no sightings of you anywhere for the last 2 months.

     Once 3 months ago someone allegedly saw you walking down the streets of New York but nothing was proven.

     For almost 4 months Bucky and the rest of the team worked for hours a time trying to locate you. Taking down other bases in the process of trying to find you.

     Clint didn't see the point, he went back to his wife and kids 2 weeks after the whole incident happened. He said that you gave yourself up for a reason and you owed them for putting them in danger. He said it was a waste of time and that you were already dead. Bucky didn't take it lightly but neither did any of the others. Natasha and Steve defended you with excuses like "She's an avenger," and "She's our friend," but they all knew as the months passed, it would be harder to track you down.

     December 27th. Exactly 5 months after you gave yourself up for your friends. Jarvis woke up Tony;

     "Sir, there is an intruder in the compound,"

     "What? Who?"

     "No idea, sir. They are armed. Should I call police-?"

     "No, pull up the footage and wake everyone up, tell them what's going on,"

     "Right away, sir."

      Jarvis pulled up the camera footage of each room of the compound. Tony stared at the screen in front of him. In the living room, there was a young woman, hair was tied up and a black mask on her face.

    "Shit," he whispered. "Jarvis tell everyone to gear up, we have a visitor,"

    "Already done, sir. All are making their way to the living room,"

     Tony nodded. He double tapped his chest and his suit spread out over his body smoothly. He made his way over to the living room.

     None of them knew, yet, that it was you. But it wasn't the normal you. It was HYDRAs version of you. Aggressive, brainwashed, ready to comply.

    You made your way around the big white sofa's. You heard a noise and snapped your neck towards it.

    Standing there, were 2 women, one in black, one in red. On the other side of the room, 3 men, Iron Man and the Winter Soldier, and one you didn't recognise, blonde hair, dressed in blue.

    "Who are you?" The girl in black asked.

    You squinted at her and growled. You took a knife out of the pocket in your torso and threw it at her. She wasn't the one you were here for.

     You were here for Iron man, Captain America and the Winter Soldier. You were given permission to kill anyone who got in the way of you completing your mission. They were just collateral damage.

    She dodged the knife by crouching down. "Two can play that game," she said and nodded towards the other woman. Her eyes and hands started to glow red but you didn't really pay attention. You turned to the 3 men who stared at you with wide eyes. The guy is the blue whizzed past you at lightening speed to distract you.

    You placed your hand on the back of the couch and jumped over it with ease, missing the fast man who tried to grab you. You grabbed the gun from the holster on your thigh and shot the him, the bullet went straight through his shoulder blade. He yelled out in pain and fell. You turned away from him to look at the 2 women now charging at you. The girl in the red created a ball of energy and pushed her hand towards you. You jumped back over the couch and crouched down behind it. You took your knife and threw it at her. She caught it with her magic but it used quite a bit of her concentration so you rushed around towards her and knocked her off her feet.

    Just as you kicked her down, the girl in black leaped towards you and grabbed your face. She yanked the muzzle on your face until it was loose enough to pull over your face.

   She stared at you in shock, "Oh my God," she whispered. You looked at her in confusion and punched her in the ribs and wriggled from underneath her. You grabbed one of the rings that were attached to her sleeve and pressed it into her chest. Her widow bite. Her body seized from the shock and you pushed her off of you.

     You ran towards the Winter soldier and jumped on top of him. You wrapped your legs around his neck and his hands found their way to your waist, pushing you down towards the large table in the middle of the room. As you were being pushed on to the table, his metal hand found its way to your neck. You gasped and grabbed his metal wrist and kicked him in the groin. He hissed but looked at you with raised eyebrows. "(Y-y/n)?" He asked releasing his arm from your neck.

    "Who the hell is (y/n)?" You spat at him, you slithered off the table and took another knife from your pocket, attempting to stab it into his side. He grabbed your wrists before you could do anything, "I don't want to hurt you..." he looked at you with pleasing eyes. Something inside your head felt fuzzy. Like you've already seen his eyes before.

    You let yourself be distracted for one second and Iron man pulled on your ankles, you collapsed to the floor with a grunt. You turned your head towards him and started sprinting off away from the 2 men. You made it back behind the couch and you grabbed your head.

    What was happening to you? Why did this place feel almost nostalgic?

    No. Don't do this to yourself. They are fucking with you. With your head.

    Your brows furrowed as you stood up from behind the couch and took the gun attached to your back holster and shot at whoever you saw first.

     "(Y/N)?!" Iron man exclaimed. Both him and the Winter Soldier looked at each other in pure disbelief. You scolded. You shot at him but his suit just bounced the bullets off of him. You jumped over the sofa and over the table, you ran towards the exit realising you weren't going to be able to kill them, America wasn't even there. The two men rushed after you.

   Punishment was awaiting you. Pierce was absolutely set on not letting anyone see your face. Now that they all have seen you AND you failed to complete your mission, you imagined the hours of torture you'd have to endure. 

    I deserve it.

    You were about to run through the door when another man came from around the corner and entered the room. America. Your third target. You hit into his chest hard and fell down. You looked up at him, creasing your brows still. You tried to get up but the Winter Soldier pinned you to the floor. Iron man right beside him.

    "(Y/n), we want to help you," he explained. You didn't even attempt to listen and carried on wriggling and kicking. "I'm so sorry for this," he says. You pause for a second confused. What was HE sorry for? He's not the one who tried to kill you.

     Your muscles loosened as you felt a sharp sting in your neck. "No," you breathed, trying to stay conscious. "Get off," you slurred. Your eyes rolled back and everything went black.

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Part 3 soon

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