Chapter 12(lies)

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A/N: sorry for any grammar/ spelling mistakes, i hope you still enjoy 😁

It was now monday and akaashi hasn't texted you since yesterday. You sent him a text to make sure he was alright and everything yet no response. Also, when you were in first period he did not spare you a single glance almost like he was avoiding you and you wanted to know why but you didn't want to push it because of the situation he's in.

You understand that he's going through alot, but at the same time he could've at least texted, a single text thats all you wanted. Were you being selfish? At this point you didn't even know.

Its now the end of the day and you've seen akaashi multiple times yet he's tried everything to get away from you. You tried approaching him but every time you did he would make up an excuse and run off. This was frustrating you to the max because you and him would talk daily any chance you got.

He's acting weird, 'hmmm maybe i should text kou and ask him if he knows anything' you thought to yourself later pulling your phone out of your pocket.

kou, akaashi's been avoiding me all day 😕
do you know if something happened?

He texted back about 5 mins later

no he seems fine to me, he hasn't told me anything.
Just give him some time he's probably freaking out still.

okay thanks, ill see you later yeah?


You slid your phone back into your pocket as you waited for the bell to ring signaling for you to go to your last class of the day.


School was now over and you had gotten home and still haven't talked to akaashi soo you decided to call his phone. It went straight to voicemail and you called a couple of more times but still no answer. You sighed in frustration and plopped back onto your bed.

'i guess i should just wait till he talks to me, ill give him til Wednesday' you thought to yourself.

You went into your paint room and continued on the painting for billie eillish, which you were now about half way done with. You worked on it until midnight.

You took a shower and did your skin care routine, putting on the essentials such as deodorant and lotion. When you put on your undergarments you remembered your period is supposed to come today so you put on a pad/tampon (whichever you use) just in case it came in the morning. You put on some shorts and climbed into bed and turned on your tv. After about 30 mins of watching tv, you powered it off and was asleep in seconds.


Tuesday was the same thing except today here at least looked at you and smiled. You knew something wasn't right, he wasn't his usual self and you want to get him out of any situation he's in that's making him act this way.

You did your same routine from yesterday. Painting to take your mind off the situation and showering once it was midnight.


Wednesday was the same thing. This was the longest you had gone without talking to each other even when you weren't in a relationship and you were simply friends. This was frustrating you, why won't he talk to you. That question along with many more filled your head as you slowly fell alseep.


It was now thursday morning and today you were gonna at least try and talk to him. If he didn't tell you what was wrong, you were gonna find it yourself.

Once you got in first period you didn't see him, until about 15 mins after class started. Akaashi, late? That's new. He looked exhausted and pale. You hated seeing him like this. You wanted to help but he wont talk to you.

He walked into the class and sat at his desk but not before apologizing for being late. He laid his head down on his desk and had probably fell asleep, you could tell by his lack of movement and you probably would think he's dead of not for his back slightly rising up and down every time he breathed in and out.

After what felt like forever the bell rung signaling it was time for your next class. Everybody rushed out of class except you and akaashi. You walked over to him and shook him waking him up. His head slowly rose and he strectched his arms out yawning and looked up at you shortly after.

His eyes widened a little before quickly relaxing. You could tell he was nervous by the way he was trying his best to avoid his gaze.

"sorry y/n i cant talk right no-" you cut him off before he could say anything else.

"no you're gonna talk to me, i don't care how late we are to class. Keiji if something is wrong i want you to tell me i don't care what it is, what happened to no more secrets" you reached for his hand watch he gladly accepted and you pulled him out of the class. He had his head hung low as you leas him into a hallway that nobody really used and there were no classes or teachers.

"now tell me what's wrong" you crossed your arms over your chest watching him trying to find the words to say

"its naella, she doesn't actually have a child, she was never pregnant" He breathed out quickly in relief as he finished his sentence.

edited 6/13/21

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