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"Bokuto hurry up, or we're gonna miss our flight!!" you were all at bokutos house and at the moment you were waiting for bokuto to finish getting ready since his mom was dropping you all off at the airport.

"okay okay im done" he hurriedly slipped on his slides and grabbed his luggage. "ready" he smiled brightly.

You were all at the door and your bags were already in the car. You shook your head as your aunt opened the front door and when you had all made it out the door bokuto closed and locked it.

When you all got in the car, jaiden was in the front with the aux and you, kou, and kaashi were in the back. It was about a hour drive to the airport so you'd just sleep on the way there but first your aunr stopped by mcdonalds so you all could get something small to snack on. You got a mcflurry and a large fry and same with everybody else.

After you ate, you put everything back in the bag and laid your head on akaashi's lap and you slipped off your shoes and put your feet on bokutos lap. It didn't take you too long to fall asleep. It snowballed from there, 5 minutes after you fell asleep everybody else had to excluding your aunt of course.

You were woken up to someone gently shaking you. You cracked your eyes to see only akaashi left in the car, bokuto and jaiden were waiting outside of the car.

"come on baby, we're here" he pushed your hair out of your face. You nodded and sat up and stretched.

"have fun" your aunt turned around and looked at the both of you.

You smiled and nodded before leaning in a planting a kiss on her cheek. "we will, don't miss us too much"

She laughed as you got out of the car after your boyfriend. After you both successfully got your bags out of the trunk, he wrapped his arm around your waist and at that the four of you walked into the crowd of people going back and forth through the airport.

You went to check in first then went to the baggage claim area. Your flight was leaving in 10 minutes so you all hurriedly made your way to the gate and by the time you made it, everyone was boarding the plane. You had made it just in time.

You all got in line to board, and the lady took your tickets and scanned them then gave them back.

You were all sitting next to each other, there were 2 seats each that we're right by each other. You and akaashi next to each other, and bokuto and jaiden.

They went through everything once everyone boarded and they had successfully shut the door to the plane. A couple minutes later and they were taking off.

You weren't too tired since you had slept in the car, so for the mean time you went on your phone and just scrolled through tiktok with your head on the elders shoulder.

After about 30 minutes, someone came down the isle with a cart that had snacks and drinks and you just got a water and keiji did too.

After taking a couple of sips of your water, you turned your attention to the small screen in front of you that was on the back of the seat. You decided to watch a movie to pass the time.

A little more than halfway through the movie you fell asleep on keijis shoulder. He had fallen asleep too, his head leaned on top yours.

Bokuto and jaiden were wide awake and took pictures and videos of you two and posted a couple of them on their instagram story. But it wasn't too long after when they went to dreamland.

You guys were landing when you had next woken up, the other three were sleep so you let them be.

Akaashi's head drifted to his palm, where his arm rested on the arm rest closest to the isle.

Driver's license (akaashi x black reader)Where stories live. Discover now