chapter 11 ( unrwapped)

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A/N: Sorry if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes hope yall still enjoy tho

"what the hell, what are you doing here and how did you even get here" you swam towards the edge of the pool ready to get out because she was not about to ruin your time with kou and kaashi.

But you felt yourself being held in place and you turned your head to see akaashi with his arms wrapped around you.

You were mad why was she here and how tf did she get here didn't you leave her ass at the school 🤣? You're not the type of person to fight but at this point she was really pissing you off and you don't do disrespect how tf did she even get in the house? you wonder if bokutos mom aka your auntie, let her in.

"i came to talk to akaashi, i was gonna do it after the game but you just walked away but not before you said a whole bunch of empty threats" she snorted

This bitch a pig or sum? "kaashi let me go" you blood was boiling and you soo wanted to watch her nose bleed.

"nope, and what do you want? anything you say you can say it in front of y/n" his grip on you tightened but this only made you more frustrated but you tried to calm yourself down

"okay i wanted to spare her feelings but i had your child a couple of months ago" your mouth dropped at the confession and you lightly pushed akaashi off of you.

"you're lying" bokuto chimed in "how come you were never showing then"

"i didn't start showing until i was about 5 months and i hid it really well, my stomach was really small and i hid it with hoodies and joggers" she smirked

She wasn't lying, a few months ago she would constantly wear baggy clothes which was different for her. You snapped your head to where you pushed akaashi off you only to see him with a shocked expression on his face.

"you didn't wrap up or sum" you were trying your best to not lash out because whether akaashi had a child or not you still wanted to be with him

"i did baby i promise" he looked at you and his face

"i think i should go" you placed both of your hands on the edge of the pool and lifted yourself out, water dripping from your hair down to your back and over your curves.

You ignored all of akaashi's pleads and dried yourself off and threw on the oversized shirt you had on earlier. Before openeing the patio door you turned to look at akaashi who had gotten out of the pool, looking down st his feet with his hands behind his back.

"y/n please dont leave me" his voice was shaky and dripping with regret

You walked up to him and placed your hand under his chin making him look up "i'll never leave you i just need some time to myself to think, ill text you later okay"

He understood, of course he did. Imagine being told your boyfriend has a whole child, of course he understood you needed your space and he wanted you to have that.

He nodded his head and pulled you into a hug. "bye bo, ill text you later okay. Tell ma i'm leaving" you pulled away from the hug and walked into the house and grabbed all of your things and put on your shoes and walked to your house.

You were such an overthinker it was crazy. Would he leave you so he could take care of the child? Would he rather be with her? and many other questions filled your mind through the rest of the day.

Its been a couple of hours and its now around 10 at night, you've showered and did your skin care routine and now you were laid out on your bed as you thought about it more and more. You decided to put your airpods in and play some music because for some reason music always changed your mood. As songs played out some of them you played over and over again you noticed you hadn't texted akaashi or bokuto like you said you would.

You opened the messages app to see you had gotten a text from both bokuto and akaashi.

hey baby i just want you to know ill never trade you for anything i dont care what i have to do. I will help naella take care of the baby but thats it. Its you i want to be with.

That made you smile, he was choosing you. At the same time this made you feel guilty because you felt as if he sure be there for the baby, was he or was he just planning on rejecting it.

it means alot❤️ but shouldn't you be there for the baby

he replied in less than 30 seconds

i will, co- parenting. i actually see the child next friday

oh okay, well let me know how everything goes you know i'm always here for you 💕

Definitely, goodnight ml

You texted back goodnight and entered from his heated and went stay to bokutos

are you okay?

i'm good, thanks bo❤️

okay but don't beat yourself up over it, things happen and this is not your fault, i love you and goodnight

yea ik, goodnight and i love you too

You didn't wait for a reply instead you hit the power button on your phone turning it off and setting it on your nightstand.

You wondered how all of this was gonna work out.

edited 6/13/21

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