tell me your deepest darkest secrets

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Thank you for 4k AND 5k reads. i love yall so much 😁😁😁 also yes i know akaashi is a 2nd year but in this story he is a 3rd year and is 18😁

Once you had calmed down you had went on telling akaashi what happened and what he did to you.

"a couple of weeks before he left he used to say a lot of hateful shit to me like 'you're a nobody and will always be a nobody ' 'i wish your mom aborted you' and stuff like that" you let out a choked sob which made the elders arms around you tighten

"but the day he left he almost choked me to death and he stabbed me 13 times" i single tear fell from your eye but you quickly wiped it away "i still have some of the scars" you lifted up your scars showing him the 4 scars littered across your abdomen and proceeded to show him 3 scars on your right thigh and 2 scars on your back. "the other ones healed properly and didn't scar"

"baby, im so sorry you had to go through that. But i promise you i'll protect you with my life, ill never put you in harms way ever" you looked up at him to see a few tears roll down his cheeks. "i never knew thats where those scars were from"

You lifted up a little and kissed his tears away before laying your head back on his chest.

"its fine it was a long time ago" you sighed "i just never want to see his face again or i might just do something ill regret"

"and i'll back you up no matter what" he smiled slightly.

You hummed as an answer, letting your eyes rest but they opened again when you heard the black haired male speak.

"you know the huge scar across my chest?" you knew what he was talking about immediately. The scar was red almost as if its never healed although its been years.

"yea" you answered simply wanting him to continue

"my brother did that" your eyes widened and you wrapped your arms around the latter offering him comfort in the best way possible. You actually never knew he had a brother.

"we were in a heated argument, he was on drugs and i was just telling him he should quit but he got angry and at the time he had a knife in his hand" you felt something wet hit your shoulder, you knew he was crying by the way his voice faltered and his throat tightened the more he spoke.

"you don't have to tell me, just know im here" you pulled him closer to you if that was even possible

He shook his head "no i need to tell you this, i just need to get this off my chest" you only nodded

"the angrier he got the closer he got to me and next thing you know theres blood dripping from my chest" you sat up and wiped his tears away quickly " i ended up loosing conscious so i don't know what happened after that but i woke up in the hospital. I was 15 at the time" You pulled his head into your chest as you combed your fingers through his hair scratching at the scalp slightly. "also the reason you've never heard of him is because he died from drug overuse" and your heart stung for him. You knew despite what he did to your lovely boyfriend, akaashi still strongly cared for his brother and always would, there was no changing that.

"well im glad you're okay my love, and just everything is okay now, we're okay" he now had his arms wrapped around your waist "i love you, and i'll never let harm come to you, i will do everything i can to protect you"

You two didn't say anything after that, well you didn't need to. Everything was now out in the open and all you needed at the moment was each other and the comfort of knowing each other were there. No words need to be said. All of your emotions were spoken through the embrace you had each other in. This was peace as you knew it but it was all interrupted by a knock at the door.

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