🔱 Kingdom of Ilrien 🔱

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She rode through the night bringing only a horse and a letter from her mother until the sun eerily rose against the rocks, the early morning turning them a blood red which was a little unnerving as one thing is clear -this was not a journey she should've gone alone.

The flat silence of the woods pressed in upon her as she rode on for much longer before she stayed out of the roads to camp in the trees, hidden from any intruders.

When the night has come, she lighted up a fire laying into the heaps of leaves beneath her and looked up on the dark sky which was a little bright as the moon were full and because of her being out on the wild, she could see more of the stars twinkling like fireflies making her think of all the people she had lose.

Of her lover, her brightest sun. Her brother, her brightest star and her mother, her brightest moon always leading her away from the dark side.

"I will never forget the happiness I felt when I met you and I will never forget you as long as I live, I promise", she whispered to the air, trying not picture their dead bodies that she bury on her own.

Turning on her side, she picked out a dagger from her shoes and stared at the golden hilt of the only weapon she brought, a precious one as it was given from her mother before she took her last breath. The reason why she is out there and why she is willing to risk her life just to see if what her mother revealed is the truth or not.

Besides, she would surely die out there alone if she continue to live in hiding without anyone by her side anymore.

Live or die? She doesn't care as long she finds the answer she was looking for.

She's on her way to the Kingdom of Ilrien to see the end.

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A lifetime seemed to have passed as she finally reached her destination, her eyes gazed up at the massive gates of the biggest kingdom in this realm and she was still debating whether to go inside or not when she heard loud footsteps coming towards her.

A thrill of fear came over her wondering if it's the royal guards and how unfortunate for her that she was right. Two royal guards came to her and looked at her male outfit.

"Where did you come from? The mountains? The woods?", one of them asked as the other circled her checking her out in suspicion. "What a woman like you would be doing in this part of Ilrien?"

"To come meet my father"

"And who is that?"

"King Chang Min"

The two guards widens their eyes at each other before they frantically bows at her and apologised.

She waves away their worries. The first one who talked to her said something that made her heart beeping a little faster than normal.

"Come, Princess! The King has been waiting for you", he said, never noticing the way she studied his delicate features. "According to the rumors, you were next to step on the throne after him now that the Crown Prince has disgraced him"

Was what her mother said could really be nothing but a truth?

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