🔱 The Princess's First Battle 🔱

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Not long before all the messages of the King of Ilrien was sent by the servants throughout the army, Y/N stepped out of her tent, dressed in her armor, fully armed with sword and daggers, and ready. Some of the Lords from their kingdom had sent a hundred men capable to fight through. Not as good as the troops but the horses they brought can be used by the soldiers who didn't have one at the first step of the journey.

It didn't take long for the Princess to find the squires of Slovane who were all waiting for her at the edge of the legion. Sunoo was the first to find his voice to talk out of their thrilling nervous at their unprecedented partake in this battle.

"I had a feeling I will be safe if I trust you, Y/N, the whole time in this battle", he said, sounding quite a bit unsure as he set his quiver on his back. "I may want to add the fact your father had been in a countless fight before with only himself and the General as the main leaders"

"And didn't we already learned a lot from our own kingdom how to face this kind of affair?", Sunghoon points out, looking between Y/N and Jong Seong who had chosen to look at Geonu sharpening the blade of his daggers.

Y/N had noticed it too but did not bother to answer. Instead she motions for the four of them to follow her as she didn't have to fought her way through the soldiers parting for her to the vanguard, where Heeseung was waiting with Chunseok and Leeteuk.

Without a word and only eye contact to each other, Heeseung helped her up on her own horse while the two guards led the four squires behind the King once again, who was busy talking to the General.

"Remember what you said to me", Heeseung whispered lastly before he too climbed up his own horse beside hers and they both waited for the signal.

It felt like hours for her before all was ready, but finally just as she was going to ask Heeseung, the army was edging out of the clearing towards Templeton. Y/N led them with her father, looking majestic with a sword on her hand, displaying the same aura that King Chang Min had seen before in her mother, Seo Ji Hye. Her silver armour with the crest of Ilrien made her look more a Queen than she ever had.

Heeseung wondered with the other soldiers if she would really take the throne. Their only hope to not get invaded by the rebel was her. Even now in this first rescue, the only hope to win was the Princesss although it felt like a trap, but there was definitely a hope to win.

Templeton edged ever closer, the village that can be seen as a small Kingdom with it's castle and fort with a causeway as Heeseung informed her the night before. The sky darkened with the smoke rising from the vague lofty gates afar. It gets clearer and higher the more they get closer.

Every single person in the army was quiet. All their journey, barely a whisper was heard from any mouth, and Sunoo who always had something to say was looking grim as he with the other squire looking in the front. Y/N and Heeseung rode next to each to other in relative silence, and there were no more words necessary to say than the meaning behind their eyes.

Incredibly, given what awaited her in Templeton, Y/N slowly resists the fear and doubts developing inside as they reach the edge of the border. The fate waiting for her there with the rebels, there was no escaping it as the Princess they especially aimed for, she was sure of it.

Glancing across the others, she could see all of them emboldening themselves. Heeseung was taking deep breaths every second, his face void of any joy and his jaw set hard.

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