🔱 Crown Prince's Warning 🔱

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"Damn", Y/N grunted to herself as the arrow she had let go of in the bow flew straight past her target and impaled itself into the nearest tree. She reloaded her bow and took her aim again.

She hasn't been feeling well enough for her skills to show right through by practicing. She has been staying in Ilrien for already what felt like longer than two months and her father look to be pleased, too pleased not to allow her wish of returning back to Slovane. He's really determined to make her a Queen without a choice.

She was out there in the forest at the back of the Palace to distant herself from that place. She couldn't bear the atmosphere especially when she often heard the Lords and the officials talking about the possible coronation of a new ruler.

"You know, I doubt your father would be happy if he knew you were vandalising his forest", came a smug voice from behind her, and she whirled around, bow still in her hands to see Heeseung walking into the clearing where she stood with his best smile.

"Or, of course, you can pretend that you were aiming at the tree all along. Do not kill me, Your Highness!", He dramatically yelled at the end of his sentence.

"I'm trying to concentrate here Heeseung. Can you shut up for a second?", Y/N exclaimed turning back to her target, bow at the ready and not notice the small smile playing on his face.

"You won't even know I'm here, Your Highness", responded the low voice from behind her and she ignore the light chuckle that follows.

"Good", she muttered, lining up her sight with the large target on the ground about a hundred feet away from her. Her breath slowed and she fully focus, concentrating on the little red circle in the target's center. She breathed out and let go of the string, feeling it twang back in her face.

"Curse it", She sighed, rubbing her cheek in annoyance as she heard a deep thud, a laughter and looked over to see her arrow protruding from the muddy ground, at least thirty feet from the offending target. "I was not like this before"

A loud chuckle came from behind and Y/N spun around again, anger written on her face, to see Heeseung perched on a fallen log trying desperately to hide his laughter behind his hand.

"I.. I'm sorry, Your Highness", He sighed, wiping one eye. "But..your. your face. I just-", He stops talking, and burst into laughter at her indignant expression.

"You're not helping by laughing!", she exclaimed again, always annoyed at the person who made it his job eversince she stayed there in Ilrien.

"Alright then", Heeseung said, standing up from the log and walked towards the girl who looked away from him. "How about I help, Princess Y/N?", He places a finger on her chin.

At the mere contact of his finger, her heart skipped a bit and it was confusing her quickly as the tall noble man moved closer until his black leather boots were flushed with her muddy brown ones. His finger lifted up her chin as he looked down at her, his eyes connecting with hers.

And like the totally calm, collected woman that she was, Y/N retaliated by stepping on his foot making Heeseung jumped away from her in pain.

"What do you think are you doing, Lee Heeseung?!", She snapped as sge look down at him. He slumped down on the muddy ground, not caring about it dirtying up his dark blue robes.

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