Chapter Ten

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I lay awake in bed, fighting sleep with all my might. I even had coffee before crawling in! Mom doesn’t know that, though. I just don’t want to fall asleep and risk having another one of those nightmares.

Much to my dismay, the coffee is not working… at all.

When I check the clock, I see that only two minutes have passed since the last time I looked, which means it is now 2:31. I’m beginning to feel lonely and bored.

As soon as I grab my phone, it buzzes and alerts me that I have just received a text.

Really? At 2:31 in the morning?

Reading who it’s from, I sigh. I should have known.

Pretty dress, but you’re still no Beauty.


The Beast

Why does everything he says have to be so hurtful? I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but it does sometimes.

Me: Chase, what are you talking about?

Chase: Oh, nothing.

Me: Are you stalking me?!

Chase: You’re not cool enough for me to stalk you.

Groaning, I grit my teeth. Will he just quit it?

I stare at my screen for a while, hoping that if I don’t respond, he will just come out with how he knows what I was wearing. I’m really beginning to feel creeped out now.

A bubble appears at the bottom of the screen, indicating that the Beast is typing. My phone makes a ‘whoosh!’ sound when I receive the text.

Chase: Truth hurts, doesn’t it? L

Me: Tell me how you know!!

Chase: Know what? That you’re no Beauty? Because I saw you just the other day.

Me: I know you know what I’m talking about, Chase. You’re not THAT dumb.

Chase: Ouch. L

Me: Truth hurts, doesn’t it? J

Chase: Oh, backsies. Very mature.

Chase: Anyway, your picture is up on Facebook. A girl named Monica uploaded it a few hours ago. I’m guessing you know her?

Me: Oh, wow! You have enough friends to make creating a Facebook account worth it?

Chase: Yes, and actually, I have more Facebook friends than you. J

Me: And you know this how…?


Chase: Sweet dreams, Abigail. Dream of me. J

Me: Not possible to do both.

Chase: Night. -_-

♥ • ❤ • ♥

The clock says it is exactly 7:00 A.M. when I open my eyes, and for once, I’m not bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and ready to start the day. In fact, the first thing I feel is a major headache.

Chasing the Storm (Chasing the Storm, #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now