Author's Note

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Hello, all!

To everyone who is reading this story, thank you again! I appreciate every single reader and sincerely hope that you have been enjoying the story. :) I also appreciate all the wonderful support! You all are amazing!<3

Just a heads up!

The next chapter I upload will be the final chapter of this book. But fear not (talking to myself, maybe. ;P)! This is only book one. :) The title of the next book in this series (I imagine there will only be two books, but I'm not sure at this moment in time) is, "Still the Storm". The meaning of the title will be revealed within the second book. But here's a hint: the title of Book Two was inspired by the Bible verse at the end of the next chapter. So... I pretty much gave the meaning away. :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of their story!

Soon to be Published

As some of you know, I plan to self-publish this book soon (before May). If any of you are interested in leaving an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble, etc. when it becomes available, I would so love to hear your opinions. :) I will probably post the links to where it can be found in the "external link" section or in a comment on another "part" of this book to make it easier to find. If not, feel free to message me a reminder. :) I would be happy to, in exchange for your time as you share your opinions with other readers, give you a code for a free audiobook from Audible (it doesn't have to be one of mine. :)) or edit a chapter of your book for you. (I don't read (and therefore don't edit) explicit content, nor content that contains inappropriate language, werewolves, vampires, witches, bxb, gxg, etc.) If you're interested, please let me know in a private message and we can discuss it further. :)

Another Heads Up

I plan to leave this story up here on Wattpad until it receives a certain amount of reviews on Amazon, etc. Then it will only be available in the following formats: paperback, hardcover (upon request), Kindle, and audio (soon after the rest). A short few chapter preview, however, will stay.

So excited! :)

Thank you again, everyone! God bless you all. :)

~ Naya S.

Chasing the Storm (Chasing the Storm, #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now