Chapter Twenty

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"Aw! These clothes are just so cute! I can hardly handle it!"

Sarah giggles. "You can't handle the cute?"

I laugh at her joke. "These itty bitty baby clothes... Just, oh my goodness!"

"I know, right?" Sarah lays the pink and white flower dress that she has just put on a hanger onto the sofa beside her. She is careful not to cause any wrinkling. "Hey, Abigail..."

"Yes?" I lift my eyes from the shirt I'm folding to look at Sarah. Her mood has changed; a frown has replaced her smile, and the laughter has disappeared from her eyes. "What's wrong?"

She looks down, hesitating. Her mouth opens, closes for a moment, and then reopens. "I... don't know where or how to begin, truthfully."

"Anywhere and in any way you feel is best," I say. "And please, don't feel rushed."

Nodding, she says, "Okay. Thanks, Abigail." A faint smile comes to her face, but disappears in half of a second. "Well, my mom... She isn't - well, wasn't - my birth mother... I'm not related to anyone in this house, actually... In fact, half of us were adopted... But my mom, Mrs. Jones... She loved me more than my birth mother ever did. My real mom wasn't interested in me at all, aside from the times she would hurt me in one way or another. Mostly with her words... I wanted her love so badly, but I feel as if I never received any from her.

"I tried my best to win her approval... But, when Mr. and Mrs. Jones adopted me, I was the opposite. I didn't care what they thought. I was always getting into trouble and even treating them, as well as their children, badly. But they never ever did anything other than try to lovingly guide me in the right direction... Of course, that also means that they were trying to guide me towards Jesus. I never wanted to hear any of it, though. In return for their kindness, I gave them disrespect. Both them and the God they've been telling us all about.

"When my mother, Mrs. Jones, died... I regretted everything I've ever said to her that wasn't nice. And then my father and the accident... I don't know if he's ever even going to come back. Mrs. Jones told me that even if people leave, like my birth parents... and even Mr. and Mrs. Jones now, God will never leave. I've always wanted that kind of love... I've always wanted to be accepted for who I was... I treated them awfully and now Mom is gone, and Dad might leave, too." Sarah's eyes fill with tears, and so do mine. "I'm sorry... I don't usually cry... Especially not in front of people."

"Sarah... There's no need to apologize." After moving the pile of clothes that previously rested between us, I scoot closer to her and wrap my arms around her. Quiet sobs escape her as she returns my hug. "It's okay to cry."

Silence from Sarah takes over for a moment. The only sound comes from the dryer and the television upstairs. Then, she says, "I hope it's not too late, but... I think I... Well, I think I'm ready to take my parents' advice and allow Jesus to heal me of the past. I think I'm ready to accept Him. Will you pray with me?"

"Of course, Sarah," I answer. My smile is genuine, and I believe hers is as well.

The moment we both utter, "Amen," we hear the sound of loud, heavy footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"Tornadoes?!" Dylan screams, flailing his hands in the air as he runs into the living room. He circles the coffee table several times before dramatically collapsing onto the floor.

"No, Dylan..." Miss Riley says, coming in after him. "Tornado warnings, but there's no need to fear. Remember what the Bible says, sweetheart?"

Dylan lifts his head and rests his chin on his crossed arms. Nodding, he says, "Mhm. He did not give me a spirit of fear."

"That's right," Miss Riley replies. "Girls - oh, is everything all right?"

Chasing the Storm (Chasing the Storm, #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now