Chapter Nineteen

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The beautiful ring of the doorbell does not fascinate only me, but Justin as well. He presses it a second time, and then again. It sounds like singing, like a beautiful song put on replay when pressed more than once.

"It's unlocked!"

That voice... Something about the voice gives me butterflies. Both the nervous and excited kind. Or, rather, it's not the voice alone, but the person it belongs to. Chase. He has this amazing and rare ability to rob me of words and sane thoughts, to cause these foreign emotions to rise within my heart, to change my mind about him completely. I once saw him as a foe, but that has changed. It's been changing for longer than I've realized. I've just been trying to fight it... Just as he has, apparently.

When Justin pushes the door open, the wonderful scent of something sweet wafts out of the house. Cookies? I take a deep breath while waiting for my turn to enter. It also smells slightly of chocolate.

It's quiet in this house. Unusually quiet. When I make it to the kitchen, I don't find anyone at the table. Something else must have the attention of the kids.


An instant smile spreads across my face, even before I turn to face him. "Hey. Where is everyone?"

"Watching a movie upstairs."

"Oh, cool. Which movie?"

After the question has been voiced, something completely unpredictable happens. Chase's cheeks change in color; a light shade of red coats them. In addition to this, an unusual, embarrassed smile comes to his face. Due to all of this, I'm a little surprised when he says, "Beauty and the Beast." At first I'm puzzled as to why that particular children's movie would have him react this way, but then my tired brain somehow manages to understand. That's when I blush, too.

"And you chose to make cookies instead of watching it?"

Chase shrugs. "I'd rather spend time with the real beauty, anyway." I blush harder, and I'm almost sure this is what causes his smile to widen. "Care for a chocolate chip or sugar cookie? I know how much you love them. You would sacrifice a whole table of flowers for a single cookie. Shame." Clicking his tongue in disapproval, he shakes his head.

I decide to ignore this reminder of that day. "Have any milk to go with it?"

"Why, of course," he says, gesturing toward the fridge. "Be our guest."

A few minutes later, we are seated beside each other at the long table in the dining area. The cookies are heavenly, and so is the milk. But when paired together, they are even better. I have a chocolate chip cookie first, and then a sugar cookie. The problem is that I can't seem to stop at one each. They are irresistibly delicious, and I end up eating five. I almost choke on my last one when I turn in time to see one of the most disarming sights.

I point to my upper lip, trying to contain my laughter. "You have a little... um... something... right there."

Chase places his glass of milk on the table, squinting his eyes at me. "Are you teasing me?" The slight smile on his face is my only way of knowing he is playing.

Then I just can't hold it anymore. For some reason I find this to be one of the most giggle-worthy moments. Probably because I'm still not used to seeing Chase's playful side. At least not with me. "I'm sorry. I can't take you seriously with the mustache." To this, he simply laughs sarcastically. I bring my glass to my mouth and take a long drink, purposely tilting it just so in order to create a mustache of my own... for teasing purposes.

Chase laughs at this. It is a laugh that seems to come from his heart. "I look that silly, don't I? Okay." He runs his tongue along the mustache, causing it to disappear. But I keep mine. Chase rolls his eyes. "All right, I get it. You can quit teasing now." He sighs when I shake my head, the humor gradually leaving his eyes. Have I really offended him? He reaches for the roll of paper towel in the center of the table, rips a sheet off, and then hands it to me. "Here." All signs of playfulness have left his face; his eyes suddenly seem to darken, and the corners of his lips have dropped into a frown. I believe I see him come a little closer, but I can't be sure. My mind is beginning to feel foggy.

Chasing the Storm (Chasing the Storm, #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now