Chapter Eleven

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When I open my eyes and see that the guitar is still on top of me, I’m thankful that I never seem to move in my sleep. Unless I have a nightmare, that is, so I’m also thankful that I didn’t have one of those. I don’t remember anything I dreamt, though.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I see that the shorter hand is on the eight, and the longer one is on the three. This is around the time I usually wake up on days I don’t have school.

After putting my guitar away and completing my morning routine, I check my phone for any notifications, then open the email app. I usually receive around seven emails every morning by this time. Mostly junk mail, but nothing has been sent to Abigail Coulson yet today. Just as I think this, though, and as soon as I put my phone down, it buzzes in my palm.

Mandy: Did you hear what happened?

Before I can even pick up the phone, a bubble appears at the bottom of the screen, letting me know that she’s typing again.

Mandy: Elena fell out of a tree and broke her arm!!

Me: Oh no!! L

Mandy: She’s at the hospital now with Chase. They’ve been there for a while, and their neighbor had an emergency of her own, so no one is there to watch the other nine kids.

I know where this is going.

I care about Chase’s family, but I just wish he wasn’t in it.

Mandy: I’m heading to their house with a few of the other volunteers. Devon’s driving. Do you want to come help?

Me: Chase won’t be there, though, right? Lol.

Mandy: Abigail…

Me: Alright, I’ll go. What time should I be ready?

What in the world was Elena doing climbing a tree this early in the morning? And where was Chase while this was happening? Seems like Mr. Arrogant needs more help than he pretends to.

I share the news with my parents, and my father leads the three of us in a prayer for the Jones family. He prays especially for protection from the attack of the enemy.

“Amen,” we all say in unison.

 “Grab your bag. They’re here,” Mom says after glancing out the window.

Halfway out the door, I remember that I wanted to bring the song I was working on, in case I have a moment to write while I’m there. After stuffing the songbook into my bag, I kiss my mom, then fly out the door.

Sliding in the last available seat beside Mandy, I say hello to everyone. Even Clarissa is here!

“Abby!” she says, bending forward to see me. Her big brown eyes show her joy. “Hi!”

“Hey, Claire!”

“I’m so excited for tomorrow!”

“I’m excited, too,” I reply. “That is so awesome that your parents are coming to church!”

Claire nods. “Yeah.”

“So, Abigail,” Devon says, “Claire and I have been trying to convince Mandy to come to the church picnic, but she simply won’t agree to it!”

“Aw, why not?” I ask, turning to Mandy. “It’ll be so much fun! But not as fun without you.”

“I… I just feel uncomfortable around a lot of people,” she answers shyly, her voice quiet.

Chasing the Storm (Chasing the Storm, #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now