Be a Storm Chaser! Help Support Victims of Domestic Violence.

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Be a Storm Chaser!

What does "Storm Chaser" mean in this case?
A "storm chaser" is someone who makes a decision to make a difference, and carries out that plan in their actions and words. A "storm chaser" is someone who does not only plan to be a light in the darkness of the world, but is a light in the darkness. There are many storms in this world, but there are also many chasers. We are looking for chasers to help us in supporting victims of abuse who need that difference and that light.

Will you consider being a chaser? Will you team up with us to help chase their storm?

If you're interested in helping, please contact me either by PM or by emailing and I will respond as soon as possible. There are multiple ways in which you can help. Below are only a few of the many ways.

1.) A Teespring campaign entitled "Support Victims of Domestic Violence" has been set up and will run for 21 days. There, you can purchase t-shirts and long sleeve shirts (more designs might be on the way!). It ends on April 5th.

2.) You can write a short poem or a one-liner as a shirt design and submit it by PM or email. You will receive credit for your design if it is chosen, as well as a gift for your help. :)

3.) Simply spread the word!

I will post the link in the "external link" section, as well as in a comment below.

Thanks, everyone! God bless you all. :)

~ Naya S.

Chasing the Storm (Chasing the Storm, #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now