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    "She died?"
    "Yes, and then Kendra took her place, who then died."
    "So who's the new slayer?"
    "Faith, she's not around much."
    Sarah nods, "so what are we looking for now?"
    "Right now we're just stopping Vampires."
    Buffy and Xander walk into the library, looking pale and sick.
    "What's happened?" Giles asks.
    "We saw Willow at the Bronze. A Vampire."
    "A vampire?" Giles gets up, staring at them in disbelief.
    They all sit on the stairs, staring emptily into space in shock. Sarah walks over, sitting next to Giles and hugging his arm, resting her head on his shoulder.
    "Hey guys, what's up?" Willow asks
    They all stare at Willow in disbelief. Xander steps forward, waving a cross in her face before realizing she isn't a vampire. They all quickly embrace her, to Willow's surprise.
    "Hey, you guys didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs...did you?"
    "Willow, we saw you at the Bronze, a vampire," Xander says. 
    "I'm not a Vampire."
    "Giles, explanation."
    "Well, this is rather odd."
    "Genius at work," Xander chuckles.


    "Is she okay? She's been in there a long time," Xander says.
    An earsplitting scream cuts through their conversation. They all run in and Buffy passes Sarah a stake. She stakes a few Vampires before realizing Giles is in danger.
    "Rupert," she calls out to him, grabbing his attention.
    She tosses him the stake and the vampire turns to dust. He quickly walks over to her, but they are thrown to the ground when Xander falls into them, courtesy of Vampire Willow. They all move to get up when Oz falls into them as well.
    "Buffy, help Willow," Giles groans as Xander and Oz roll off of the two.
    "Are you okay?" Sarah asks, helping him to his feet.
    "Yes, I would say so."
    "Good, I can't have you dying on me. Who would I sit with at lunch?"
    Giles chuckles but his smile quickly turns to a frown. "Behind you."
    Sarah reaches behind her, grabbing a vampire's head and pulling it over her shoulder, slamming it onto the ground and Giles stakes it.
    "We make a pretty good team," Sarah smiles.
    "That we do."
    "Willow, are you okay?" Sarah asks as Buffy and Willow approach.
    "Yes, we sent other me back to her world."
    "After she got all gropey with Willow," Buffy says.
    Sarah flights at a sharp pain in her stomach, hunching over. Giles catches her before she falls over.
    "I think you pulled some stitches, I'll take you to the hospital."  
    "No, I'm fine, really," Sarah says, falling into his arms.
    Giles sighs, picking her up bridal style, "you're not fine."
    He sets her on one of the only tables left unbroken in the bronze.
    "May I?" He asks. Sarah nods and he lifts her shirt over her stomach. "Buffy, she's bleeding. Grab the first aid kit."
    Buffy nods, running to the back of the building and quickly returning with the first aid kit. Giles wraps Sarah's torso before pulling her shirt back down and helping her off of the table.
    "Let's go to the hospital and get you fixed up."
    Sarah nods, leaning on him for support.

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