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It was silent when he entered their small apartment. When he called his boyfriend's name, he got no answer. He didn't think much of it. Maybe his boyfriend was taking a bath, considering how awful hot it was lately, taking a cold bath was the only way to prevent oneself to overheat. As someone from a cold region the weather was even more stressful. His hydro vision was a blessing! Though a cryo vision may even be better.

Childe went into the living room to sit down and relax a bit. He had to run around Liyue to collect debts and information all day under the burning sun. Now he only wanted to sleep and cool down. However, when you entered the living room he had to accept that their sofa was already occupied by someone. Since only two people lived here, he knew who took his sleeping place away. He tiptoed the last few steps to the sofa and kneeled down next to it. Tenderly his finger traced along his boyfriend's beautiful sleeping face. Who allowed his boyfriend to be so pretty?

Why was his boyfriend's sleepy voice of smooth and sexy? Childe didn't know if it was the heat or Zhongli's voice, but he melted. He needed a very cold bath!
"Mmh, you're already back?"
"Obviously. Is everything alright with you? You seem a bit pale."
"I think the weather is taking its toll on me. I thought a little nap could help, but I don't feel any better."
"I see. Let me get you a new wet towel."
Carefully Childe took the now to wet anymore towel from his boyfriend's hand and went into the nearby kitchen.

When he came back Zhongli had not moved an inch. As much as he loved seeing his sleepy boyfriend, he did not like the thought that Zhongli was feeling unwell.
"Here's your wet towel, Zhongli."
Softly Childe placed the towel on Zhongli's head. Unconsciously his fingers once again traced along his boyfriend's pretty face and then jumped to Zhongli's chest. A kiss on the lips followed.
"I am not in the mood for this. My head hurts."
"That's sad. Because I am totally in the mood to shower you in my love and kisses."
A faint smile developed on Zhongli's lips. If it weren't for his strong headache he would have nothing against some kisses and cuddles from his boyfriend, but at the moment he only wanted to sleep.
"If your head hurts so much, it may be better to lay down in our bed instead of the sofa. Also the bedroom should be colder too."
"That's true, but I didn't get any further than this. I was already happy enough to make it this far. And now I am too weak to move around."
"Well, then let me help you get to bed. And I will bring you some water. Drinking is very important! Maybe it also will help against your headache."

Their way into the bedroom was long. Zhongli indeed had quite some trouble walking on his own and Childe grow worried. After helping Zhongli switching his work uniform out for some lighter clothes, bringing him some water and placing a little blow of cold water, so Zhongli cold make his towel wet again after it went dry, next to the bed, Childe wanted to leave and get some medicine from Bubu Pharmacy and call a doctor. He was sure that Zhongli simply forgot to drink enough today and considering that the next few days wouldn't get any colder and with Zhongli's strict focus on work, he was sure that this headache was not a one-time only thing.
Well, of course, Zhongli saw that a bit different.

"No discussion! I will get some herbs form Bubu Pharmacy, tell your boss that you will be on sick leave for the next few days and call a doctor. And you will accept it without complain! Got it?"
Zhongli could only sigh.
He had no energy to fight with Childe over it.
"Come back soon."
Without further comment Zhongli closed his eyes and tried fall asleep again. Resting was the best medicine at the moment, in his opinion.
"I will and when everything is said and done, I will join you and hold your hand until your better!"

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