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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Feral Behavior, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Cock Riding, Scratching, Marking, Scenting]

  "I reciprocate your courtship." I muttered while having my eyes glued to the ground while holding out a flower to Alec. I knew now that embarrassment caused my spots to turn pink, so I was doing this where there weren't a lot of people who could see if it happened again. I could feel Alec looking at me as he sat on his bike, and my ears turned back under my hat.

  "You're so awkward." He chuckled while taking the flower.

  "I'm trying to do this how I observed humans doing it. It was to my understanding that giving flowers was a sign of interest."

  "Well, usually, it's the guy giving the girl the flowers, but I'll gladly accept this rose." I glanced up to see him smelling the bright red flower, and he did seem to like it from the way he smiled.


  "We're both transgenics, Shadow. You don't have to do things the human way."

  "Oh.... I, uh, figured I did since you were. Since I'm not like you, I didn't know how X5s....did this."

  "Just do what makes you feel comfortable. I don't care." Alec scoffed, then paused before pointing to me. "Unless it's bringing a kill. Don't do that. People will definitely get suspicious." I laughed while shaking my head.

  "I'm not that animalistic."

  "You did bring me a chicken before."

  "I gave chickens to more than just you. That wasn't...." I trailed off while thinking back on it. My brows furrowed as I crossed my arms, and looking back at what happened while now knowing I had an interest in Alec, I could see how that really was an early sign of intent to court. "I'll be damned."

  "It's cute when you get shy." Alec smirked while spinning the rose in his hand.

  "Oh, shut up."

  "Little, aggressive Shadow, can't even look me in the eye while giving me a flower." He had a tone, and I shot him a glare. "I bet your ears are even turned back under your hat."



  "I'm leaving."

  "You already admitted to liking me back, it's too late!"



  Straddling the benches by the lockers, I was fixing the strap on my backpack since it had broken. Original Cindy was right next to me, eating a bag of chips while talking to me about how we could all have dinner together this weekend. Max had gone to the market and gotten fresh vegetables, and Original Cindy was offering to make a big meal if I brought over a chicken.

  "Sure. Want me to butcher it first, or wait until I bring it over?" I asked.

  "You can do all that before you bring it. Less mess Original Cindy will have to clean up." She waved her hand. "Just don't season it."

  "Alright. You can do with it as you please." I chuckled, but my ear twitched when I heard Alec and Sketchy laughing. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the two of them talking with someone else over by the bike racks.

  Chewing the inside of my cheek, an idea popped into my head as I turned back to fixing my bag. I knew my senses were keener than Alec's given my animal DNA presented more than his, but I didn't know just how much Alec was influenced by his non-human DNA. Maybe I could try something to test it out.

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