Outcome of Rage

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  Going to work, I filled my backpack with packages and hopped onto my bike. Riding through the streets and people, I got signatures left and right for deliveries. When I got back and gave my clipboard to Normal, he waved me off.

  "That's it for today, go on your happy, merry little way. I have business to attend to." He said. Looking around, it seemed everyone was being let off work early. Shrugging, I went to my locker to put my things away. Leaving, my ear twitched, and the voice on the TV caught my attention as a news report was running. 'Joshua!' I ran out of Jam Pony.

  When I got to the scene, reporters were already flocking and barriers had been set up. There were ambulances and police everywhere I looked. 'Isn't that Max?' I thought when I saw the familiar, dark-haired woman. Making my way around the people, I went to stand next to her.

  "What's going on with Joshua?" She jumped a little before looking down at me.

  "Oh, it's you, Shadow. I don't know, but he wasn't home when I went by earlier...." We looked over at the sewer entrance where the cops were set up. I looked closer at the red computer screen covered in lines, seeing a map of the sewer system in the area.

  When Max began to leave, I followed her. We knew all that we needed to so far, and we both were thinking of what to do next.

  "Max! Shadow!" My ear twitched under my beanie, and I turned my head to see Sketchy. He kept calling out our names until Max stopped and looked as well. "Hey, guys. What are you doing?" He jerked his head up.

  A dark car came up behind him and honked to get Sketchy to move. In the driver's seat was White, and Max and I bolted before he could see us.

  When we found a sewer being manned by a single guard, Max took him out while I pulled up the grate. Jumping in, Max followed and pulled the grate back where it belonged. Walking through the sewer tunnels, Max decided for us to separate to cover more ground.

  In the quiet, I could hear the dripping water and scampering rats. Now and then, I'd catch the sound of a radio and avoided the tunnels the noise came from. Stepping lightly in the dark, I made sure to avoid making too much sound. Suddenly, I got an idea and pulled out my phone. Dialing up a certain number, I put the phone to the outside of my beanie over my ear.

  "Hello?" I could hear people in the background and the sound of cops. Good. That meant he was at the scene.

   "It's me. Look, I need you to hack into the police computer and use GPS to track their guys down here. Try listening in on their radios and see if they say anything about Joshua." There was a pause.

  "I'm already doing that for Max."

  "Really? How are you communicating with her?"

  "Who's on the phone?" I heard a voice in the background of Logan's cell.

  "It's just Shadow. She's down there with Max."

  "Huh, I guess the ice queen does care about people other than Max. Unless she's the one that told you to get down there."

  "Shut up, dick. I'm doing this for Joshua. He's the closest thing to family I've got."

  "What was that?"

  "Just shut up, dumbass!" I growled over the phone. "I'm going to flail you when I get back up there if you don't stop talking."

  "Gotta catch me first!" There was a grin in Alec's voice, and I heard Logan sigh.

  "Will you two cut it out? This isn't the time to be acting like children."

  "....Sorry, Logan." I muttered while turning a corner. "Just call me if you hear anything on Joshua's location."

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