Damn White

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  "Shadow. Max needs your help." I stopped getting dressed for the day and sat down on my cot to pay attention to Logan.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Max, she....uh....she got shot."


  "It's okay, Max is fine, but the CDC was alerted about her virus, and now she's under quarantine. No one can go in or out of the hospital, and White is here."

  "I'm on my way, just let me get my pants on." I hung up and finished getting dressed. "I'll be right back, Joshua!" I shouted while running out of the house. It was already late in the day, and it was drizzling outside as I ran all the way to the hospital. I laid low and used the alleys and back roads to get there faster.

  Walking through the parking lot, I looked for Logan before slipping into the passenger seat of his car.

  "Where is she?"

  "She's on the sixth floor. That window leads to her room." Logan pointed out his window to show me. I glanced in the direction he pointed and popped my knuckles.


  "Don't get caught."

  "Don't worry." I left the car and ran to the side of the hospital. Hiding behind an A/C unit, I waited until it got darker out to give me cover to break into the hospital. It was pouring down rain now, soaking into my clothes and making them heavier.

  I began to climb up the side of the building and made my way toward Max's hospital window. I heard the heart monitor, but it must have been broken. No.... 'It's code.' I reached for the window and slipped into the room.

  "Max!" I shouted when I saw her fighting with a nurse. From the way she moved and smelled, though, she wasn't a normal nurse.

  "Shadow!" Max shouted back and had a look of relief.

  "Switch out?"

  "Sure!" Max kicked the woman back, and I jumped in front of her while facing the nurse. The nurse cringed at me and went into a fighting stance I'd never seen before.

  "Another transgenic scum to wipe off my shoe." She spat before coming at me. I felt areas of my face go black as my heart pumped adrenaline through my veins. My pigmentation change caught her off guard, but she kept coming.

  She swung a fist, and I leaned to the side to dodge. She threw out her elbow, and I ducked down before kicking her feet out from under her. The nurse hit the ground with a thud, but she jumped right back up, and I could hear my heartbeat roaring in my ears as my eyes focused on this woman. She attacked me again, and I began to growl, sounding primal and dangerous.

  Dodging nearly everything she threw at me, I managed to break her arm and a leg. I even busted up her face pretty badly, and I knew I heard her ribs crack. When I got the sense that I was running out of time, I rolled back when she went to tackle me and kicked her out of the window.

  "Hurry up, Max. We gotta go." Max went over to a bag and slung it over her shoulder.

  "This way." She said while going to the door. She was cradling her side, so she must not be able to go out the way I came in. Together, we snuck down hallways and avoided every person I heard who was headed our way. When we snuck into the morgue, Max pulled some clothes out of the bag to change out of the hospital's issued garb.

  She called Logan while she was tying her shoes, asking for a safe way out. After she hung up, we heard people walking around outside. Max then went over to a vent, quietly pulled off the grate, climbed in, and waved me over. I silently followed and crawled in after her before replacing the grate behind me.

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