⛓Smile of a Lover⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Feral Behavior, Getting Caught, Closet Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Primal/Pet Play, Size Difference, Praise Kink, Vaginal Sex, Gagging, Marking, Cum]

  Watching Alec stretching out his healing arm, I let my gaze wander over his muscles. The curve of his spine and how the light overhead cast shadows on his body were rather interesting to look at.

  "I can't tell if you're staring 'cause you wanna kill him or court him." Dix popped off while standing next to me and fiddling with some tech. "But knowing you, I should probably give the guy a heads up to run." He chuckled, and I understood that he was making a joke.

  "I was studying."

  "Studying? Like....to fight him?" He raised a bald brow at me after pausing what he was doing.

  "No. Just to observe. He's very....statuesque." I slightly tilted my head while leaning on the metal railing. Dix seemed to think for a second before he shifted on his feet and looked at me.



  "....You think he's pretty?" He gestured my way.


  "I'll be damned." Dix chuckled, his black eyes like obsidian in the dim lighting.


  "I heard they programmed all unnecessary emotions out of you. Clearly not." He gestured Alec's way, and I just stared at Dix with a blank expression. "Oh, uh, I mean 'cause you said he's pretty and statuesque. Those are words with adoration at their roots."

  "They actually did. I began to feel more things after leaving Manticore. Max and Alec have been helping figure out the more complicated feelings."

  "Really?" Dix's brows slightly furrowed.

  "Yes. When you go from nothing to many, many emotions, it's hard to understand what's what." My ear twitched as I glanced at the male still standing next to me. He hadn't talked to me much before, but it seemed he was trying to actually get to know me now.

  "Kind of glad I was made to dig then. So, do you...." Dix made a face while gesturing to Alec.

  "I can tell you're hinting at something, but I can't tell what."

  "....You're not gonna kill me, are you?"


  "Great." Dix then leaned onto the rail next to me. "Do you plan to court Alec? I ask because I could help you out. Put in a good word."

  "Why would you help me?"

  "Hey, transgenics like us aren't exactly the popular choice for transgenics like him. Also, love is neat." He smiled, and my tail twitched.

  "Wait, what do you mean by transgenics like us or him?"

  "I mean...." He trailed off while tapping one of his curled ears.

  "Oh, because they're made to look attractive to humans, and we weren't?"


  "I didn't think that much mattered among us anymore."

  "Not as much as the humans, but you can still see it in places." Dix replied while glancing around.

  "I don't think you'd have much of a problem with that." I said, and Dix looked surprised. "You're very kind and- I think the word humans would use is adorable?" I slightly tilted my head while thinking.

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