Blue Faced

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  I watched the large human on the TV as he did what seemed to be dancing while bright colors flashed across the screen. There was weird music playing, and the large human sang to it.

  Standing behind Alec and leaning on the back of his seat, I watched the changing scene while furrowing my brows and sneaking snacks off Alec. I didn't know what it was that we were watching, but it seemed to grasp my attention fully.

  "Alec, your boob tube is too loud." Joshua said as he was further behind us and reading a book.

  "Well, it's the only way to enjoy it." Alec didn't even look away from the screen as he answered. "Come over, have a look." I heard the book close under the music, and Joshua crawled over. The man's suit flashed black and white as Joshua tilted his head.

  "Tricks and treats."

  "Welcome to the world of Attention Deficit." Alec waved a hand in front of him while holding a snack. And just as the man was dancing in what looked like a dinosaur suit, the news cut in. I raised my head off Alec's chair as I watched.

  "This is so, so very bad." Alec got up out of his chair and started to put on his jacket.

  "Lay low, Alec."

  "Lay low, is that all you have to say to me, Josh?" The shorter male transgenic fixed his jacket's sleeves.

  "I'm coming with." I said quietly while pulling my hat out of my pocket. Alec didn't say anything, so he must have had no reason I shouldn't. Going downstairs to get my shoes, I came back upstairs just as there was a knock at the door.

  "Joshua? It's me, Annie!" Answering it, I saw a blind woman with a dog. "Joshua?"

  "No, I'm Shadow." Her face dropped at the sound of my voice. "Are you a friend of my cousin?" I added, making her smile return. She nodded, and I called for Joshua. Standing by the stairs, I watched the dog transgenic and the blind woman. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as the woman held out her hand, asking if she could touch his face to help remember him. Instead of Joshua leaning down, he stepped to the side, and Alec let the woman touch his face. I gripped the front of my shirt as my brows furrowed. This must have been the reason for Joshua's recent happiness, and now it was leaving, being driven off by the differences in our kind and hers.

  It was stupid and it was cruel. It pissed me off.


  Sitting on the tall tower with Max and Alec, we looked out at the city. Max was in the middle of us with me leaning on her to provide comfort. Even though Max said she wanted to be alone, Alec got her to let us stay by saying they could use a friend right now.

  But me? I was just the tag-along who had no idea what to do besides just sitting there and attempting to help Max.

  I didn't know their pain or what they were going through. I'd never loved something and lost it, and I'd never been through anything they had the past few days. My only similarity with them was the thing on my neck and the fact that I was test-tube-made. Why was I even here? I barely felt any emotions because of the things Manticore did to my head, so how was I supposed to even try and imagine their pain?

  Laying my head on Max's shoulder, I felt my ear twitch. Glancing up at the two transgenics beside me, I said the things that were beginning to pop into my head. I needed to say something. I was becoming frustrated.

  "I'm sorry...." My voice was whipped away by a gust of wind, but Max must have heard somewhat.


  "I'm sorry!" I felt my ears go back, and my face heated up. "I want to do something to make you smile again. Both of you. But I don't know what to do, I don't know how to handle these things- these human emotions you people have. My purpose is to hunt things down, not console. I'm pretty much useless to you guys." I glanced up at them briefly, seeing that they both were looking at me, shocked and wide-eyed, and I quickly looked down. "I can't even try to comprehend how you two feel, and it's so frustrating and-and- Max!" My voice shook. "Max! My face is leaking! What's happening?!" I heard a sad laugh while I myself was extremely alarmed.

  "You're crying, goofball." Max wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

  "Impossible. I can't cry." I said flatly while wiping my face. It had truly startled me when I felt the tears dripping onto my hands and saw what it was. I didn't even know why it was happening.

  "Well, you're doing it. And you know what that means?" She gave me a sad smile, and I shook my head. "It means you do know and that you care."


  "Knowing that you care makes me feel a little better already."

  "How can me caring do that?! You don't even call me when you need help. You always call someone else. You don't need me. How does my caring help?!" I wiped my face again while sniffling.

  "I do need you. I just don't call because I can only imagine what Manticore, what Lydecker, has made you do." Max lowered her head. "I know you still have nightmares, Shadow.... Joshua told me." She whispered. "So, I don't call. I need you to be there when we come back to silently fuss and be my shadow. It reminds me that someone cares."

  "Yeah, whatever." I sniffled. "Call me next time, I don't care what it is. Even if you need help just putting on your shoes, call me." I grumbled and stood up while taking her arm off me. Taking a few steps away, I felt a hand grab my wrist as someone groaned before I was pulled back down and made to sit.

  "Not so fast. Your face is blue." Alec sighed.

  "Yeah, can't let you leave here when you're face is blue. So, you're stuck with us until you're done crying." Max was giving me a soft smile. I noticed the arm around my shoulders wasn't hers and I glanced up to see Alec staring out over the city.

  "Hurry up and stop blubbering like a baby. You may be the size of one, but that's not an excuse."

  "Shut up...." I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "You're such a dick."

  "And you're a bitch, so...." He shrugged. I felt Max lean her head onto my shoulder, and I rested my head on top of hers.

  So, on top of a tall tower in sector 9 sat three transgenics. One with a broken heart, one with a heavy loss, and another that didn't even know anything about herself on the inside. It sounded like the beginning of a really bad joke.

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