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  The phone in my pocket started to buzz while I was feeding the chickens. Sighing through my nose, I handed the feed to Joshua to answer the phone.


  "What is it?"

  "I need your help, it's important." Logan spoke urgently.

  "What do you need this time?" I turned away from the chicken coop. Listening to his situation, I sighed. "Ask Max to help you."

  "Wait, Shadow! No-" I hung up on him and went to get fresh water for the chickens.

  Coming back, I saw Joshua happily feeding the birds with a big smile on his face. He had child-like joy every time he was around the chickens, yet drooled whenever we got to eat one.

  "Alright, what do you want to read today?" I asked him. "We have until I have to go to work tonight."

  "....Could we do....something else?" Joshua asked with a nervous tone.

  "Like what?"

  "You piano!" He grinned. I felt my fingers twitch, and I cleared my throat.

  "I don't know, Joshua...."

  "Please? I-I'll be quiet." He held his hands against his chest. I stared at him, and he started to whimper.


  "Ha!" He grinned and bounded down to the basement. I followed behind, walking somewhat slowly. When I got down there, he was sitting on the bench and already had the piano uncovered. I sat next to him and brushed the top of the smooth keys with my fingers. He nudged me to go on, and after a second of silence, I began to play.


  At work, I drew stripes on my cheeks and put on my furry uniform. It was red, grey, and there were areas of black and burnt orange. I took off my shoes before pulling the fuzzy leg warmers over my shins and strapped them on. After getting fired from the meat factory and getting this new job, I had stopped filing my teeth and only kept my claws clipped because there was no real reason to keep my teeth blunt anymore. Especially not since my fangs were a part of my job now.

  No one but the customers and other employees that came into the building knew that I worked here anyway, so Max had no clue about my job change either. She still thought that I worked at the meat factory, as did everyone else. They just thought I had night shifts now.

  The new job I had now, however, was easier for me, but I found it more annoying. It wasn't anything similar to what I had been trained for at Manticore, but they were hiring and offered me the job when I was occupation hunting and well....I needed the money if I wanted to make it out here now.

  Walking out into the dimly lit main room, music was playing while people chatted away left and right. Men and women walked around, and nearly every chair was occupied. Tonight was already looking to be rather busy.

  Going over to the bar, I looked at the bartender and waited. He saw me standing there and pointed to the back before speaking.

  "You're on table 13 tonight." I nodded before heading to the back near the aquarium. I saw a woman in the tank instead of fish and mentally shook my head. Climbing up onto the table, I turned on the base lights and began to dance the way I had been shown to.

  However, not even four minutes later, three familiar faces walked in. It felt as if my face heated up within seconds. Why? Was I sick? No, it was nearly impossible for me to get sick. Embarrassed? That was supposed to be impossible as well since that emotion was programmed out of me when I was little.

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