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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Heat, Dry Humping, Oral Sex, Feral Behavior, Dirty Talk, Begging, Vaginal Sex, Biting, Cum]

  "And why is he moving in?" Alec questioned as we were cleaning and working on making the house appropriate enough for a human to live in.

  "Because he has nowhere else to go, and White doesn't know about this place." I answered while sweeping. "Also won't be the first time we lived together." Alec's gaze shot to me.


  "When I first escaped Manticore. I didn't have anywhere to go, so Logan let me stay at his place until I got the hang of things. Also why some folks thought we were cousins. Now I'm returning the favor." I saw him roll his eyes before going back to weather-proofing the windows better with the limited supplies we had.

  "You could just let him have this place and go to Terminal City."

  "They don't want me there. Now that there's more transgenics there, there's only more people that don't trust me."

  "But you gave them your chickens."

  "I'm only allowed in to take care of them, and only so long as Joshua is with me. They're grateful for the meat and eggs, but it's not enough to build trust."

  "....Then why not come live with me?" Alec suggested, and I paused. "You already said you like my shower."

  "That's not a good idea."

  "Why not?"

  "My heat's coming up."

  "Then I don't want you around Logan even more."

  "It's not like I'm gonna jump him. I'll be locked in the basement."

  "You really think a basic locked door will stop you with a male that close by?"

  "....I actually don't know." I leaned on the broom, and my ear twitched. "I've always been isolated until the heat passes."

  "Then you should probably talk to Max. She can give you a first-hand account of it."

  "Well, I'm not sure her advice would count for much in my case. My reptilian genes present more during that time."

  "Reptilian as in snake, or reptilian as in dino?"

  "Dino." Alec looked back over his shoulder at me. "I start making sounds kind of like an alligator- the hissing and bellows. Best guess is an attempt to attract a mate, but given I'm one-of-a-kind, not ever gonna work." I chuckled.

  "What am I? Chopped liver?" Alec waved his hand.

  "I highly doubt my growls were what attracted you to me."

  "Might have. I did tell you how hot you were when angry."

  "It's like you want me to kick your ass."

  "Okay, but seriously though. If you don't want to come to my place, at least find somewhere else to go while you're in heat. Especially given what's all in your cocktail. Logan wouldn't stand a chance if you got out of the basement, which is pretty much a guarantee with that flimsy door."

  "I'll talk to Max first to at least get an idea, then figure something out from there."


  "Is it really that bad?" I questioned while holding my mug of beer as I sat at the table in Crash.

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