⛓Bonus Chapter: What If?⛓

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A/N: While I finished writing Trial X6 well over a year ago, I've really been missing Shadow and Alec and their story. I was also struck with an AU idea which is where this bonus chapter came from. I'm currently debating picking Trial X6 back up since how I finished it leaves me more than capable of continuing the story. This bonus chapter is a What If AU, so it's not 'canon' to the main story but simply 'what if Shadow hadn't been sent after Max and instead stayed with Manticore?' This AU takes place shortly after Max is recaptured up until Renfro sets fire to Manticore when Eyes Only reveals their location.

*Warning: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Heat, Dry Humping, Feral Behavior, Praise Kink, Begging, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Biting, Cum]


  The darkness of the fake den provided only a little bit of relief as my body ached. Sweat coated my skin and my breath was heavy. It had never been this bad before, but I hadn't been left in isolation this time.

  I could still smell blood from the others who had been forced into the same room as me. My hormones were raging, and I just kept lashing out no matter how hard I tried not to. They would get too close only to find out the hard way how deep my claws and fangs could go.

  Renfro hadn't given me any clear orders other than to stay in this very room until she returned. However, I knew why I was here instead of in my usual room. The one-way mirror outside the den and the fact that the scientists in lab coats kept sending transgenics in despite me killing the previous ones made it very clear.

  I was in heat, and they were trying to find a male that I wouldn't bite the throat out of to pair me with. They'd sent in a transgenic with lizard-like skin the first time, but his hissing and airy voice was enough to make me snap. Except that brief encounter was all that it took to send my heat into overdrive. My body knew there were males nearby to breed with, especially since they kept sending more in one at a time.

  But each one triggered aggression when they tried to get close to me. My pheromones drove them feral, yet I didn't want them anywhere near me no matter how badly I ached to be mounted. I had to have killed five of them by now with each one presenting different animalistic traits from their chimera DNA.

  None of which I could accept.

  I might get punished later for thwarting their attempts at breeding me, but I kept feeling threatened instead of courted. I tried to go along and do my duty, and yet each time, I was violent within seconds before I could even stop myself. I could only assume something within me deemed them unfit. That had to be the same conclusion the scientists came to for them to be still trying with different transgenics.

  My ear twitched when I heard the main door open. Low voices cut through the silence.

  "Excuse me. Am I no longer in the breeding program? That female, 452, is the one who didn't-"

  "You're still in the program."

  "But this isn't the barracks-"

  "You're being paired with a new female. Fail again, and you will no longer be in the program."

  "Understood." There was a second of quiet before the door shut, and the transgenic sighed. "Don't know why we have to do this here instead of the barracks. I don't even see a bed." He was grumbling under his breath. "I know you're in here. Might as well come out and get this over with."

  The male had a point. If I killed him now, I could have quiet again until they found another male to replace him.

  Pushing myself up out of the bed in the den, I growled a warning.

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