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  Walking down the street while avoiding police drones, I felt the phone in my pocket begin to vibrate. Pulling it out and flipping it open, I pushed the green phone symbol. Bringing the phone to my ear, I spoke.


  "Hey, Shadow." Logan sighed. "I think I found something."

  "Then why are you calling me?" I questioned, knowing he was talking about something Manticore-related without him needing to clarify.

  "Because I know Max won't, and I think she could really use your help." Hearing the tone in his voice, I clenched my jaw.

"That big of a something, huh? I'll be there in five minutes." I said while dodging a kid on a skateboard.

  "Thanks, Shadow." Logan gave a sigh of relief just before hanging up. Sneaking into Logan's place, I stood behind Logan and Max while they were watching a security video of some break-in at what looked to be an electronics store. They didn't know I was there yet, so I crossed my arms and silently watched with them.

  "Hang on." Logan pulled a hand from his pocket while reaching over and clicking the mouse. The back of a man's head and shoulders came onto the screen, and the guy slowly turned his head to the side.

  "Zach...." Max's voice was a mix of emotions.

  "Your brother's alive, Max, but you might want to prepare yourself for what comes next." The man on the screen turned completely around to face the camera. Half of his face was covered in metal, and he had a blank expression as he pulled back a metal-framed hand to punch the camera.

  "I can't believe it- He's alive." Max leaned closer to the computer screen.

  "You told me you saw him back at Manticore." Logan said.

  "They'd been harvesting his organs. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him." Her voice sounded sadder.

  "Hey." Logan said softly.

  "She said something about moving him to another facility....and that they had plans for him." Max mumbled.

  "Looks like they were experimenting with cybernetic implants. Probably replaced his missing organs with artificial ones."

  "How'd he end up with a bunch of Steelheads?"

  "Could be when Manticore shut down enterprising lab tech and loaded him on the black market as a genetically engineered soldier with cutting-edge cybernetics. Steelheads would be all over it." Logan answered.

  "All I know is that I gotta find him. Do you have any idea where they hang?" Max turned around in the seat.

  "Wish I did," Logan walked towards a table. "I've been looking to take them down for months." He grabbed some papers before walking back to Max. "British Eddie and his crew are running a body parts ring. Hitting off hospitals, getting their hands on organs meant for transplant candidates, and shipping them overseas where they profit."

  "Any leads?" Max asked while looking at what Logan had handed her.

  "Nothing solid. But I put word out on the informant net. I'll tell you if anything turns up."

  "Thanks." Max sighed as she stood up, and when she turned around this time, she finally saw me.

  "I know where part of their turf is. I remember those Steelheads from when I got into a fight with them." I said with a monotone voice.

  "What? You got into a fight with them?" Max gave me a look, and Logan had an odd look in his eyes.


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