Chapter 9

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After having a light lunch with the girls, I decided not to change, just go fix my makeup and hair a little bit before leaving to go meet the boys and, finally, Hayes and his girlfriend, Sandy. I went to call Maria and Isa and we started heading off to the place we first met the boys.

As we were walking down the road, Isa put on some music. So, we were dancing and singing to Turn Down For What, and when we turned the corner, we saw four boys and a girl staring at us with humored looks on their faces. When we approached them, Cameron Nash and Matt inmediately came to us and gave us a hug each. Then, I went over to Hayes and, as I was presuming, his girlfriend, Sandy and both of them gave me a hug. Hayes had short-ish brown hair and clear blue eyes, and paired up perfectly with Sandy, who had really dark straight brown hair, dark brown eyes and a beautiful smile.

I decided to get to know more about them, because I didn’t know about them as much as I did of Cameron or Nash, so when we started to walk toward the bowling alley, I had Sandy on my left and Hayes the furthest, holding  Sandys hand.

“So,” I asked Sandy “how long have you two been together for?” referring to her and Hayes.

She smiled, “almost one amazing year”.

“Wow,” I was so surprised, my past boyfriends had been such idiots I wouldn’t have even thought about lasting even half as long as this couple. I looked up to them. “You guys look perfect for eachother” I continued “I wish I would find the right person for me”.

Hayes turned to me and said, “Well, I know someone here who for sure has taking a liking to you. HEY CA-“ he was suddenly nudged by Sandy, who laughed and whispered “Don’t”.

Well, that was weird, I thought.

That was when we turned a corner, and arrived to the bowling alley. We went inside, and were greeted by a employee, who introduced herself as Sarah. She lead us to the cash machine to pay for our entry, and as we were taking out our purses to pay, Cameron and Nash barged forward and handed over the money.

I stood there for about ten seconds. Cameron had paid for me, again! I felt so bad, so I started to slyly slip the money into Camerons jean pockets, but he turned around and stopped me.

“What are you doing?” he asked me, laughing.

“Trying to give you back the money you just wasted on me” I mumbled back, still trying to give Cameron the money. He sighed and grabbed my arms, making me look up at him in surprise. Nash came over, having heard the conversation and said,

 “We don’t mind paying for you girls, you’re guests hear, it’s the least we can do.” He chuckled and carried on, “seriously though, we really don’t mind, so you shouldn’t either.”

I decided to let it go, so I smiled at both of them and went over to where Matt, Maria and Sandy were standing. Hayes, Cameron and Nash were getting our bowling shoes. Matt was telling the girls some story, so I just stood akwardly listening as the girls laughed.

*Two hours later*

“I won!” Nash said. “Kriss, pay up!”

I sighed and went over to the bar, and bought some nachos and a can of soda. As I was walking back to our alley, I glimpsed at Hayes and Sandy over by the ping pong table and smiled at them. They had got bored of the constant competitivity between the girls, Nash, Cam,  Matt and I, they decided to wonder off like cute couples do. They were into a serious pinp-pong sesh, and after every point they would give eachother a peck as a prize.

I gave Nash his prize, which he greedily took and started munching and sipping on. I giggled and a pair of arms suddenly picked me up and flung me over a shoulder. Guess who it was.

“Cameron! What the hell! Put me down or I swear to God I will chop your nutsack off!” but he just laughed. He started spinning around in the middle of the alley, faster and faster, with me screaming my head off. Even seemed to be laughing at us. But all of a sudden, I found myself falling, and landing on something warm but hard.  I grumbled and opened my eyes. I had fallen on Camerons chest, and his face was about five centimeters away from mine.

We lay there for about ten seconds, when Cameron reached out and tickled me, at the same time me yelling “C’mon guys, lets crush him!” In space of about a minute, all eight of us (including Hayes and Sandy) were on top on Cameron, who had turned red.

Laughing, we all got off, and Nash went to grab his nachos again when three employees came over and informed us that we were making too much noise and commotion, and would we care to step out of the bowling alley till another day. We were all in such a good mood that we didn’t even care. So we took off our bowling shoes and headed back outside.

By then it was darker and colder, so I linked arms with Isa and walked at a quick pace. Matt came to us and asked

“Are you girls cold? Aww come here”, throwing his arm over my shoulder. Then Sandy and Hayes came over, and Hayes hugged Matt. Maria had already linked arms with Sandy and Cameron was taking to Maria. So we formed a large line across the street of Los Angeles, and out of nowhere we started to run and shout and laugh.

It was amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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