Chapter 1.

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I am so nervous. The plane is about to take off, and then it’s going to be 18 hours until we touch land again. I hope it all goes well, Im not a big fan of aeroplanes…

So I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I’m Kristina, but call me Kriss. I’ve lived in Spain half my life, the other half, the first one, I spent in Florida. So, I’m fluent in both languages. Which can be pretty sick, but everyone kind of like uses you as a human dictionary. I’m seventeen, going on eighteen on the 29th of August, so I’m done with school and going to college once summer is over. These past three years I spent in an english school where I met amazing people. So, to commemorate our “Start of a New Chapter, College” two of my best friends and I are going to LA. Spending a month in one of the most famous cities of America. The best thing is, is that we are going to Santa Monica, and staying in a rented apartment right next to the beach. Its pretty exciting.

Another incredible thing that is happening on this trip is that we are going to be staying in the same city as my idol since 2012, CAMERON DALLAS.


“Any drinks or snacks?” the hostess said as she walked by.

“Yes please, can I have a Mars Bar?” Isabel asked. She was sitting nearest to the corridor where the hostess was. “I’ll have a Coke, please” I said and I turned to Maria. “Do you want anything?” I asked her, but she just shook her head and closed her eyes, putting her iPod on shuffle and settling down.

*A few hours later*

Because this was a night time flight, nearly everyone was asleep, including Isabel. But Maria had just woken up from her nap and was wide awake. And to be honest, I was too. She turned to me and said,

“Aren’t you excited? You have so many chances of meeting your bae” She says giggling at the “bae” bit. That’s how I call him, by the way.

“I am. I still can’t believe it, I mean from being 20h away from him to like 2, I literally tear up every time I think about it.” I tell her, meaning every word of it, my eyes blurring up. “It’s so emotional, I mean, I feel I have to thank him for always being there without even realizing it, and to think that I could do it in person… wow.”

“Aww you two are really cute, and every time he’s answered you, or when he followed you on Twitter, it was so cute how he did it.” She tells me.

“I know, I still remember when he followed me. He did it in my sleep, just like I had asked him to. I literally couldn’t believe it for the first week.” I reply, looking out of the window. We had been flying over sea for quite a while, there were still six hours left until we landed. Then I looked back at her. “I just can’t believe we are flying to America and staying there for a month.”

“I know. Neither can I” she’s turning on the screen in front of her, the one you get on an international flight that’s installed in the seat in front of you. “Shall we watch a movie?”

“Okay.” I say and put on an earplug and start watching The Perks of Being A Wallflower.


By the time we landed, I felt like I was in a cloudy mess. I was so tired I could hardly speak. Lucky enough, Isabel had got enough hours sleep and volunteered to drive the car to the apartment.

The car was amazingly massive. I mean the boot of the car was meant for two American suitcases, but when we opened it, it was the size of Isabels’ car back at home. We just stood there staring

Then, Isabel clapped her hands and said “Okay, let’s get this show on the road!” Literally. We stumbled into the car and Isabel started the engine. It purred like a cat. It was so comfortable it felt like I was sitting on a sofa.

As we sped along the road, I closed my eyes and in two minutes fell sound asleep.

I opened my eyes and looked out of the window to the dark shapes. The car was coming to a stop and I could vaguely see a house in the distance. It was pretty big, even from where I was. Then, I heard the sound of waves.

“We are here!”


Authors note:

I’m going to be uploading chapter of this story from every few days, to up to a week :)

I’m leaving to go on holiday in two days time, so I wont upload the next chapter until the 7th or the 8th of August. Just saying.

Go follow me on twitter: dallas_ft_horan 

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