Chapter Fifteen

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Another really long chapter! Yayyyyy!

Okay so as you can see by my pretty bad drawing, this is what the characters look like. Im not the best drawer, so please no hate 😂 this is just basically what I imagine.
Oh and just incase you cant read the writing on the page:
Top left: Copsyn
Top right: Seth
Bottom left: Callum
Bottom right: Abbie

Hope this gives you an idea of what they look like 😊

Enjoy, and give me feedback! I love reading your comments!😊

H x


I have vague recollections of the guy practically dragging me through the hoard, while I clutched my shoulder in blinding pain. He dragged me into a building.

"You got a base we can run to?" He asked hurriedly. His voice was husky and masculine. It was different.
I nodded quickly, still clutching my arm, hair falling all over my face "I - we have a subway station. Its run down but-"
"It'll do." He said, cutting me off. He looked outside through the door again, watching the masses of Reapers. Men, women and children, all trudging along, mindless, hungry. I didn't want to wait around. He sighed. "It'll have to."
The Reapers got closer and closer.
"Cmon," he demanded, striding off. "Follow me."
The intimidation that emitted from him was overwhelming, and it only made me want to follow him more.
I slung my bag over my good shoulder and ran after him, not forgetting to close the door before I took off.

We somehow ended up at the top of the building, which happened to be a small convenience store. There were no Reapers inside, which I thought was really weird. But I didn't question it. The less, the better.
We jogged out and up onto the roof, and he shut the door behind us, bolting it up.
"That should buy us some time." He said.
"Can I at least know your name?" I panted, holding my arm again.
It was achingly painful, it felt heavy. He saved me, almost killed me, saved me again, then made me run up about twelve flights of stairs all in one go. I panted like a dog, but he didn't seem phased in the slightest.
He pulled off the soaking-Reaper-gut-poncho and dumped it over the side of the building, revealing a dark shirt and a denim shirt on top, unbuttoned and showing off a shark tooth necklace. He peered over the edge and came back. "Seth Barrett. Pleasure to save you." He held out his hand in a fist bump style, and I reluctantly punched it. "Copsyn Roberts." I replied.
"Good. We know each other. Now lets go." He said, putting emphasis on the word go. He pulled off his sunglasses and threw them over the side too, revealing dark, twisted eyes. His brown hair was all pulled up and twisted into a dusty black bandana, greasy and unkept. Although,who was I to judge his hair. Mine was even worse.
"Are you coming or not?" Seth asked, holding both arms out in question. I heard the beginnings of banging on the door which we had just arrived through.
"Yeah. Sure. Um - where exactly are we going? On top of these buildings?" I questioned.
He gave me a crazy smirk. "That's where the fun part comes in."
He took a few paces back, rubbed his hands together, and took off in a longing sprint to the endge of the building, and jumped.
My heart stopped for a minute, but he landed tuck-and-roll style on the neighbouring building.
"Easy!" He shouted over, smiling like crazy.
My mouth hung open in an 0 shape. No way could I do that.
Just as that thought came to mind, a sufficient BANG echoed from the door, groaning following. They were breaking through.
"Cmon!" Seth urged. "Its simple. Don't think, just jump!"
His words rang in my mind. Don't think, just jump. Okay. Okay... I thought.
I threw my bag over first, and it landed in a heap at Seth's feet. He stepped back.
"Now you have to jump over," he smirked. "To get your stuff."
I sighed. He was right.
I took four paces back, and the banging on the door became more brutal and forceful. I had to jump, quick.
I let go of my arm reluctantly and let it dangle around. It was so painful.
It was only the noises from the other side of the door, and the fact that the hinges on the door were getting increasingly compromised. I shook my head and whispered to myself, 'I cant believe I'm about to do this', and jumped.
It was the strangest thing I'd done yet.
Don't get me wrong, the gap between the buildings wasn't massive, but it wasn't tiny either. Probably about a metre, or just under it. Either way, I threw myself off that convenience store roof like there was no tomorrow.

I landed like my bag, at Seth's feet, and on my bad shoulder. Seth was too busy spinning round and fist pumping the air to realise the pain I was in. I just lay on the floor, rolling around and clutching at my shoulder, trying to get the message through to him.
It wasn't till about five minutes after I landed that I heard a "Oh shit." And he helped me up.
I brushed myself off, tousling my short, choppy hair and brushing my dirty clothes down. He chuckled as I spat out gravel, and gave him a look that could kill. He stopped laughing.
"You okay?" He smirked.
I looked at him, in a dumbfounded way, curious as to how one human being could be so stupid.
"Yeah, totally," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I picked up my bag. "You know, after you get over the dislocated shoulder and the fact I could have just killed myself, my day's going great."
He smirked again and I rolled my eyes.
"Just cmon." I said walking away, eager to get back to the subway. "My group will be wondering where I am."
"Group?" He asked?
"Well, two others." I responded. "They're good guys. You'll get along fine."

Oh how wrong I was.

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