Chapter Twenty-Six

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It took us four days to get to Washington. Luckily, we didn't come across many obstacles, which was strange. We barley stopped, only swapped drivers so we didn't have to stop all the time. We drove almost consistently, stopping off here and there to loot for food or water, which was scarce. We wouldn't have to worry about that when we got in touch with the military, though. Although I was excited, I couldn't help but feel nervous about going to D.C. Something didn't feel right.

It was the last night of driving, and I was in one of the Jeeps with Liam driving, Lydsay in shotgun, then Seth and I in the back. In the other car, the seven-seater minivan, there was Matt driving, Alex shotgun, Abbie and Callum in the middle then Jacob in the back. We decided to pull over, so the drivers could switch. 

Liam and Lyndsay decided to get some sleep in the back while Seth drove and I kept watch. I didn't mind, I wanted to talk to him anyways.

When I knew Liam and Lyndsay were sleeping, I sparked up my conversation with Seth. I watched his eyes on the road, his hands gripping the wheel, his greasy bandanna flattening his fringe onto his forehead. He looked so concentrated on the road, I didn't know whether to speak or not.

"Are you gonna say something, or are you just gonna watch me drive?" He smirked, snapping me out of my trance. I hadn't realised I'd been staring.

"Whatever..." I muttered, my fringe falling over my face. 

"Tell me, c'mon."

"I was just going to say that this dosen't feel right." I said. "Going to D.C, I mean."

He turned to look at me, concerned. "What do you mean? It's the best shot we've had through all of this."

"I know but..." I ran my fingers through my hair. "Think about it. Washington's population is what... 650,000 people? Roughly? Think about it. Most of those people will be Reapers. Half-of-a-million, bloodthirsty, animals who only think about flesh. Does that sound fun to you, Seth?"

"Not particularly, no." He smirked. "But if the Military is really in it to help us then they'll have cleared a path for us and other survivors, at least. Honestly, Copsyn, I think this is our best bet."

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah," I said quietly. "You're probably right, I'm probably just too tired."

"Yeah." He agreed. "You wanna sleep?"

"Nah," I sighed. "I'm gonna keep watch."

That didn't last long,, and I was out cold before I could say any more.


"Cop-syn," Liam chimed, shoving my shoulder lightly. My eyes opened slowly, looking up at my  big brother. His face was rugged and worn, but he was happy. Why was he so happy?

"What's going on, why have we stopped?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I noticed Abbie and Callum getting out of the minivan, followed by Jacob, clumsily. Matt, Alex, Lyndsay and Seth were all already out and standing in the morning breeze.

"We're walking from here." He informed me.

"Am I the last one up?" I groaned. He nodded. 

I grabbed Senshi and my backpack of essentials, half a bottle of water, a couple of energy bars, spare clothes, a torch, a compass... things like that. Things I needed to survive, really. I got out of the Jeep and walked over to the rest of the group, trying not to yawn.

"Hey sleeping beauty," Alex chuckled harmlessly. I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed noiselessly, as we started to walk.

We had parked the Jeep and the minivan in an abandoned garage, where hopefully nothing would happen to them. We had nothing left in them supplies wise – we had everything on our backs that we needed. We were parked in a paint shop garage, in the middle of a once-busy street, overlooking highways and motels entering the city. The buildings gradually became denser the further into the city we got. None of them looked safe or sturdy, and there were no Reapers in sight. It was... eerie.

"Okay, so how the hell are we supposed to get across this city?" Alex asked, shifting from one foot to another, agitated.

"I don't know..." Abbie said in a small voice.

Seth peered up at the tall buildings with narrowed eyes, trying to block out the sun. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Seth..." I warned. "It's too risky."

"Not really..." He murmured.

"What is it?" Matt asked holding his gun with both hands, curious.

Seth looked to me then sighed. "Well, I have this kind of... thing... we did it way back before we met you guys, heck... I did it when I was on my own. We got to the top of the buildings and jump... kind of parkour, I guess... our way over the buildings that way. I was just looking at them to try and see how far apart they are, but I'm not sure it's a good idea doing it on buildings that height..." He trailed off.

Jacob scoffed. "Why would you even consider such a preposterous idea?"

"Because it's how I get around, Jacob, unlike some fat slobs who think of nothing but broken radios and what their teams will bring back for them to eat." Seth growled. I stepped in front of him and held his shoulders, as he tried to advance.

"Seth, calm down." I said firmly, looking straight at him. His jaw clenched in frustration, and he looked at me with a stern expression, but soft eyes. I raised my eyebrows and let him go, and he returned to normal. If looks could kill, Jacob would be dead.

"Anyone got any other ideas then?" Lyndsay asked.

"I think the best thing to do is to split up, cover more ground. None of us really know our way around Washington, huh?" Liam asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Okay," He sighed. He knelt down and dug around in his backpack, before producing five walkie-talkies. He handed one to me, one to Callum, one to Alex, one to Abbie, and kept one for himself. "Here's the plan," He announced. "Lyndsay and Abbie, you take Jacob back to the Jeep and keep working on that radio. I want to have crystal clear feedback, you hear?"

They nodded, and said their goodbyes. Abbie hugged Callum and Lyndsay had a quiet word with Liam, before they grabbed Jacob and jogged off back to the garage.

"Okay." Liam began. "Here are the teams; Me, Copsyn, Matt, and then Callum, Seth, and Alex. Is that okay with everyone?" No-one disagreed, and so he took that as a yes. We checked our walkie-talkies were working before doing anything else, and checked in with Abbie, Lyndsay and Jacob. They were back at the Jeep, working on the radio. "These walkie-talkies will be our only source of communication," Liam said firmly. "Do NOT lose them."

We remained silent as he gave orders. Seth, Callum, and Alex were going to be the ground team, as they were better at uncoordinated and open attacks on foot. Liam, Matt and I were going to be the bird's-eye team, looting and checking out the city from above, as we were better with stealth and thought-out plans. It worked perfectly.

We were all saying goodbye to each other, and Seth was the last to see me. "I'm not saying goodbye," He said. "I'm only saying... See you later. Cause I will. That's what I'll do."

"Seth Barrett..." I said in mock astonishment. "You aren't... nervous, are you?

"No, 'course not." He scoffed, almost convincingly.

I rolled my eyes, patting his cheek playfully. "See you later, Seth-y." I smirked. "I've got work to do."

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