Chapter Twenty-Five

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We had been at the lodge for about 3 weeks, fitting in and enjoying the safety. None of us has seen a Reaper for weeks, despite the ones  we came across on runs. Even they were scarce, the towns surrounding Sierra Nevada were deserted. We were doing well, and Alex was finally warming to us. She and Matt and Liam gave us training lessons on how to use our weapon prooperly, as they seemed to know their way around the things we had. Callum with his bat, Seth with his rifle, and me with Senshi. Abbie carried the pistol I had swapped Seth for the rifle when we first met, but she barley, if ever, used it. Lyndsay seemed to have taken Abbie under her wing, teaching her the ways of medical science, or as far as she knew into it. Lydsay was only a student. We all had a role, except Jacob. He sat in the corner, twiddling away with his radio, whereas we all worked. He ate most of the food, drank most of the water, and left the rest of us to go out scourging for more. I was beginning to wonder why Liam even kept him around, when one night, he broke out in usefulness.


I woke abruptly to the sound of Jacob's voice, screaming down the hallways. Simultaneously, everyone's rooms doors opened, each of us rubbing out eyes tiredly. What was Jacob banging on about?

I sighed and jogged down the hall, Seth, Abbie and Callum following me. Callum caught up to me, Seth and Abbie lagging from lack of sleep. 

"What's happening?" I whispered.

"I have no... idea." I said, yawning before the last word. We reached the cafeteria, where Lyndsay, Alex, Matt and Liam were all gathered around Jacob. Lyndsay and Liam looked as though they had just rolled out of bed, whereas Alex and Matt must have been patrolling as they were fully dressed and looked awake as ever. 

"What's going on?" Callum asked to no one in particular.

"What do you think, buzzcut?! The radio got decent feedback." Jacob spat harshly. It was the most the guy had spoken since we got here and I wasn't warming to him at all.

"Okay, let's just calm down," I spoke up. "How do we know it was genuine?"

Jacob drew me a look of disgust and narrowed his eyes. "Who cares if it's genuine? It's the only feedback we've received since the beginning of this disaster," He spoke, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Let's not be so  picky."

"Copsyn's right." Liam stepped in, glaring at Jacob. "We can't go running into a trap, we have a good thing going on here."

Jacob rolled his eyes obviosuly and muttered, "Whatever..."

"Let's just listen to the damn thing." Alex suggested, sitting down on the table and twiddling a knob on the radio until the static sound emitting from it turned into words. 

"Attention survivors," The Radio spoke, a very professional and serious voice speaking. "This is the  Government of the United States of America. We are here to help. Based in Washington D.C, we are equipped with highly trained professionals and an abundance of supplies. Warning, we will only be based at The White House for two months, I repeat two months. After that, we will be moving on. Thank you, and remember, anyone is welcome."

We all stared at each other until everyone blinked in disbelief. That was settled. We were going to Washington.

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