Chapter Twenty Three

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I didn't know what to do, and the men outside were at Seth's truck, obviously looking for food.
That at least bought me some time.

First thing I did was wake Seth up, whisper-shouting in his ear.
"Wake up sleeping beauty," I whispered, slapping his arm. "We've got company."
"Wait..." He paused momentarily, rubbing his eyes. "What did you just call me?"
"Okay, okay..." His voice was deep and gruff, as he mumbled, tumbling over to the window.
As he peered out, I knocked on the thin wall separating us from Callum and Abbie. They were probably asleep too, but we needed to move.
Soon enough, Abbie was at our door, bags packed and ready to go.
"We saw them too." She stated simply, eyes wide.

It didn't take long to pack our scarce belongings, and Abbie kept watch from the window. Seth was hurrying around, lifting anything useful, and Callum was at the door with his baseball bat.
"They're coming into the building!" Abbie whispered quickly, drawing the curtains completley.
"Shit." Callum cursed, closing the door and locking it. "No way is this door going to hold."
"What will we do?" Abbie asked, glancing nervously at the window over her shoulder. The room was so dark, I could barley see anyone around me.
"I..." I tried to think of a plan, quick. Jump out the window? No, that was no good. We were two stories up in the building. Climb through vents? No, there were none in the room. Uh oh.
"I have no idea." I admitted, clutching Senshi. We all froze as we heard voices approach, and walkie talkies beeping. The men's footsteps were heavy and gave their position away instantly. Still, not much use to us.
"Okay, there's nothing else for it." Callum said quietly, his mouth in a thin line. "Arm yourselves, we're going on the offence front."
"Wait what?"Abbie said, panicking instantly.
"He's right," Seth agreed. "There's two of them and four of us. We outnumber them."
We didn't have time to discuss it anymore. The footsteps were getting nearer. I gripped my sword tightly. I had never been on the offence front before.
The steps paused, presumebly to investigate the dead corpse under the rubble leading to the third floor. We heard muffled voices, and then the footsteps came again.
Callum was first at the door, then Seth, then me, then Abbie.
The men had obviously ignored the room Abbie and Callum had been in, as they came straight to us. Then, they did something rather unexpected.
They knocked.
Three, brisk chaps on the door, followed by silence. None of us moved.
"Hello?" A voice sounded. It was a guy, obviously older with a deep voice. "We're here to help. Anyone in there?"
We all glanced at each other nervously. Seth shook his head in disaproval, warning us not to say anything.
"Hello?" The same voice again, followed by three, faster knocks.
"Matt, stop fucking around," A new voice sounded. This one was a female, high pitched and bitchy. We had obviously been mistaken about the team being two guys. "They aren't going to believe you."
"Well sorry for trying, jeez." Matt said.
A walkie talkie buzzed and transmitted to life, speaking.
"Alex? Alexis Monroe, come in, over."
"What do you want now? Over." The girl said irritably.
"Are you alright so far? Need backup? Over."
" 'Course I'm alright." The girl, Alex spat. "Over."
"Duuhh, she's with me. Tell Lyndsay to quit worrying. Over." Matt shouted.
The walkie talkes fell silent at last.
Before any of us could stop her, Abbie (of all people) spoke out.
"Who are you and what do you want from us?"
"Abbie!" Everyone hissed. She ignored us and listened.
"Well, uh..." Matt wavered.
"This is stupid, knock down the damn door!" Alex shouted, kicking the door hard.
None of us knew what to do, as the team of two kept kicking at the door. Eventually, one of them pulled out a gun and shot the lock, knocking it clean out.
We weren't prepared at all as the two people raced through the door, carrying clubs in their hands. The guy had dark,quiffy hair, and a chisled jaw. He was built like a bull, like a tank. The girl stormed in, her long black hair in a ponytail. She had olive skin and was pretty. They were dressed in black, protective vests and black clothing, they were hard to see, and soon had us cornered.
"Offence Matt!"
"OFFENCE!" The girl roared, clubbing Callum on the back of the head, knocking him out cold.
"Hey, what the fuck?!" Seth spat, pulling out his pistol. He aimed for the guys foot and in amatter of seconds he pulled the trigger.
"Seth!" I screamed as the shot echoed. Matt crumpled to the floor, shouting obscure swears and curses, right beside Callum. Alex made quick work of knocking Seth out too, making him fall to the floor.
She advanced on Abbie as Abbie held her hands up in surrender.
"Wait! Don't hit me, I'll go!" She pleaded. Alex smiled.
"Smart girl," She remarked, her eyes raking up and down Abbie's tattered clothes and scared face.
"But not smart enough."
Then, Abbie was out cold on the floor with everyone else.
"One shrimp left," She giggled, turning to me.
"Alex, calm down." Matt said through gritted teeth, clutching his foot.
"No way," Alex scoffed, advancing towards me, club raised.
I tried to lift Senshi but I was too slow, and a sudden pain sparked down my neck and lower cranium. I fell to the floor in a head, engulfed by the dark, and Alex's chuckle.

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