Chapter Eighteen

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I slept most of the way in the back of Seth's truck, as did Abbie. I'm not convinced Callum even blinked, afraid to close his eyes for a millisecond incase Seth tried any funny business. Abbie slept like a brick, yet another surprise. She acting so different after my little pep talk. She was like a new person.
A while later, I finally woke up, having had the only decent sleep I'd had during this whole thing. I blinked away the sunlight in my eyes, and focused them on the landscape outside of the car. I noticed an upcoming sign stating 'California', telling me we were almost there.
I turned my attention to the interior of the car, and noticed Abbie was still asleep. She looked so peaceful for once.
What really surprised me was in the front. Seth and Callum had switched places, because Seth was zonked out in the passengers seat, mouth wide open, bandana over his eyes like an eye mask.
I yawned on purpose, alerting Callum.
"Who's up?" Callum asked, not taking his eyes off the road despite the serious lack of cars around us.
"Me," I answered, yawning again. I noticed he was driving inside the correct lane, wearing his seatbelt.
"Dude," I said. His eyes flicked up to me for a second through the rear view mirror.
"You know you don't have to drive so... Correctly, right? There are no other cars around."
"Well," He said. "Excuse me for not wanting to die today."
I rolled my eyes and tousled my hair up a bit, slouching back down in the seat.
Moments later, Seth woke up. He yawned louder than I had, which then made Abbie wake up.
She groaned. "Ughhh... I was having the best dream. Taylor Launter-"
She caught Callum eyes in the mirror.
"Umm.. It wasnt that good a dream.." She mumbled, as her face flushed pink.
I laughed a little, and looked over at Seth, who was tying his bandana back around his head. He stretched a best as he could, and yawned again.
"I slept pretty good too."

The scenery outside changed from an empty motorway to a dense city, with twists and turns like no other, tall buildings that were surely filled with Reapers. I didn't particularly want to leave the truck for that thought.
"Copsyn, I need your directions here." Callum prompted, his eyes darting from doorway to doorway.
"Sure," I yawned again. "Next left."
About 5million turns later, we had reached the orphanage. The place looked even worse, which I didn't know was possible. The windows had been barricaded, then recklessly torn down again. Smashed glass, doors hanging off of their hinges... Not particularly the place you would expect to find someone living in. Dead or alive.
"Do you want me to clear it out first?" Seth offered. He was actually being nice to me for once, but I refused.
"No." I said. "This shouldn't take too long."
"Okay," Seth said. "Heres a tip - if you happen to come in close range with one, knife them instead of shooting. Noise can attract more. Not all Reapers can hear, but the majority of them can. Do you all have knives?"
We all nodded solemnly.
"Copsyn," Abbie started. "Do you know where we can find information in here?"
I thought.
"Im pretty sure the file room behind the office would stock those kinda things. We should look there first."
"Okay," Callum said. "Lets get going then."

We entered the place somewhat unwillingly, not necessarily excited to see zombie orphans. I was half hoping Cassie would be here, hiding out. But not all of me.
Seth and I entered first, Callum and Abbie behind us. We didn't need to open any doors, they were all bust from their hinges anyway.
We stepped through the doorway, and all four of us jumped out of our skin as a sickly looking pigeon fluttered out of the building, bringing up dust in our faces. The interior of the building was worse than the exterior.
The office glass had smashed, filing cabinets tipped over, and disturbing black/red liquids oozing everywhere.
I went first, blowing my short fringe out of my face. I held a dagger in my hand, as did the rest of us, but my hand kept flickering to rest on my holster. I felt uneasy.
I motioned for everyone to follow, making my way across the wreckage of the waiting room to the file room. It was a clear path, and no one was in sight, so it was easy enough for us to barricade ourselves in there.

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