Chapter Nineteen

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We drove through the night, the engine of the truck never halting. Callum and Abbie were cuddled up together in the back, fast asleep, and Seth and I kept watch. Or rather I kept watch, he drove.

It was deadly silent as we drove through the landscape, coming across the occasional reaper on the roadside. We drove past them with no fuss, and began to talk.

"So," I started, shoving Senshi off of my leg. "Seth Barrett. I don't know much about you."
He shrugged and smirked.
"What do you want to know?"
I thought. I hadn't been prepared for this question. What did I want to know?
"Okay, ummm..." I began. "What brought you to California that day you saved me?"
He smirked. "Do you want the long story or the short story?"
I glanced over my shoulder at the sleeping couple and the long stretch of road ahead.
"Long way, I guess." I said. "Looks like we've got some time to kill."
He smirked again and licked his lips, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles. "Good." he said. His deep brown eyes flickered onto mine momentarily, then adjusted back into the empty road. "My favourite bedtime story."

"It was actually before the apocalypse," He began. " I lived in California, like you, so I know the city pretty well. I lived with my Mom and Dad. I loved my Mom, but my Dad was a dick. I always hated him. Money spending, beer drinking fucker. He beat my Mom, he beat me... but he beat her worse. Anyways, when it broke out, we hid in the basement for a while. We were doing okay. But we just stayed there, not doing anything, not helping anyone. I got too restless."
"That's exactly what happened to me, when Abbie and Callum took me in." I said. He smiled at me, then returning his eyes to the road.
"Well, my Mom was like that too." He smiled fondly, his dimples not so prominent anymore. "We tried going out, without my Dad, cause he was a fucking coward. We went alone. But then... She just... got caught off guard, I mean..." He began to stutter, his eyes welling up. "I just... she got ripped apart... there was nothing I could do..."
His voice broke on the last few words, and I placed a tentative hand on his, but he swatted it away quickly.
"Don't." He said, returning to normal in a flash. "I don't need comfort. Im fine."
I nodded. "S-sorry."
He brushed it off.
"Anyway," He sighed, adjusting his dirty bandana. "My dad was pissed off at me, and didn't give me food for three days. He was depressed, wouldn't talk. Woke up the next morning, the coward had killed himself in the living room."
I gasped lightly. "That's terri-"
"I spat on his corpse." He cut me off, venomously. His knuckles became white with the grip on the steering wheel. I tousled my hair, nervous of this new person driving.
"After that," He continued, calm now, " I ran to the city, looking for people... I scavenged on what I could, slept where I could be even the slightest bit safe... then I found you."
I blushed at that, and I didn't know why. I didn't like him or anything. No way. No feelings. Zilch. Zero.

"Cool..." I said, unsure.
There was a short silence, the little noise of rubber wheels against worn down tarmac.
"So," He sighed, attempting to continue the conversation. "Tell me something about you."
I furrowed my eyebrows and kicked my feet up on the dash. "Like what?"
"I dunno," He said. "Even it out."
I sighed. "Well, you already know my story."
"Yessss," he said, rolling his eyes. "Something else. Like your name. Ive never heard it before."
"Ugh..." I sighed under my breath, looking out of the window.
He chuckled, his gaze flickering from the road back to me. "What?" He smirked. "Copsyn Roberts. What does it mean?"
"You had to ask that, huh?"
"Tell me!" He laughed.
"Out of all the questions-" I grimaced.
"Aw cmon! Not like I have anyone to tell."
I sighed. He had a point.
"Fine." I sighed. "Say my name slowly."
He said my name, drawing out the syllables long and slow.
"Even slower."
"What? I don't get it." He said, watching the road again.
I sighed. "Ugh. Fine. Copsyn Roberts." I urged, seriously drawing them out now. How did he still not get it?
He looked at me with a blank expression, again.
I rolled my eyes. "Cops-and-robbers."
He burst into a fit of laughter, making Abbie squirm in her sleep.
"Shut up!" I whisper-shouted. "You'll wake them!"
"Sorry," He chuckled. "Its just so weird."
I rolled my eyes again. "Whatever. My Dad just had a sense of humour." I muttered.
He smirked at the road again. "Get some sleep. You look like you're going to pass out."
"Sure." I said, getting comfortable, nestling down. "Night Barrett."
I heard a scoff and a chuckle.
"Night Robbers."


Just a disclaimer- my dad actually wanted to call me this. That is literally the reason why my main character has such a weird name. Lu kily, my. Mum wasnt stupid, and they settles for Hannah. Yayy

Just wanted to say im not feeling too well latley so sorry for how long ive taken to upload. Sorry;-;
I updated again, in apoligies.
And sorry it wasnt too exciting
And sorry just in general

But thanks for reading! Lsave a comment if you feel like it! :D
H x

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