Chapter Thirty-One

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Tests, tests and more tests. Seth had to endure weeks upon weeks of experiments, treatment, x-rays... everything they could to do him, they did it. Anything to try and find the cure.

Seth was tired, and I could see that. He was exhausted from all of the unnecessary examinations he had to undergo. They had actually carried out the same treatment five times in the same day.

The White House was a buzzing hive of busy people, bustling around with new energy and new hope. They were thrilled at the news of Seth's appearance, and the chance of saving humanity. I was just glad he was alive.

The government took all of us in, giving us a room to share and food to eat. We were so grateful to them, but Seth... not so much. Whenever he got a break from the doctors and scientists, he was constantly exhausted and falling asleep. I hated seeing him like that, but he insisted it was what he wanted to do. Stubborn as always. We were there for a good, solid three or four weeks, relaxing and finally at ease. Jacob, though, was off gallivanting every day to the science departments, excluding himself from our group. He barley ever spent any time with us anymore, and he was constantly observing the scientists experiments, sometimes even helping out. Everything seemed to be fitting into place perfectly.

One night, though, we received terrible news.

After what only seemed like a week or two, all of us sat in our comfortable room, even Seth was allowed away from the lab for two or three hours. We had just finished lunch, consisting of fresh fruit and crisp water. We were having a great day, until Caroline walked in.

Our laughter died as her pale face and solemn expression shadowed our mood. She looked as though she had some grave news to share.

We all looked at each other nervously as she sat down on one of the beds, as she fiddled with her pearls she wore. She was obviously nervous too.

"Children," She finally spoke. "I'm afraid I have some... bad news to share."

"What..." I began quietly. "What's wrong? Did you find something dangerous in the tests?"

"No, not at all, not at all!" She exclaimed. "The research is actually going exceedingly well. Our cure efforts have never been more productive."

"Then... what do you need to tell us?" Callum asked. Caroline sighed.

"It is a... tender matter. As you all know, Seth has been a key element to our recent study queries," Caroline began. "He is a necessity to further development of a cure."

We all nodded in agreement. Where was she going with this?

"In addition to that point," She continued, licking her lips. "You all must see how important it is to... to keep Seth under the protection of the government. We intend to do just that."

Everyone became deadly silent. She tried to keep her composure at the eight staring faces peering up at her.

"As you all know, we only planned to stay in Washington for two months, and we have already exceeded that allotted time. We have to move out."

"Yes, we know," Alex complained, exasperated. "What's your point?"

Caroline sighed deeply. "Our council has reached the conclusion that we cannot afford to keep all eight of you under our protection. Seth is the asset, he is the key to what we need. And he is the only one who will come with us to... well, wherever we are headed next."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "No way!"

"I'm sorry Copsyn," She apologised. "I understand that this is hard for you-"

"No you DON'T understand!" I yelled. "We almost lost Seth before, we aren't going to lose him again!"

"Yeah Caroline." Seth butted in. "Look, I'm all for it; you know, trying to make a cure... but I will never leave my team behind. No way, no how."

"What's the big deal with moving away from D.C, anyways?" Matt interrupted. "Why can't we all just stay here?"

"Because there are other survivors and perhaps other carriers out there that we have to help." She explained.

"Carriers?" Lyndsay and Abbie asked at the same time.

"People who are immune." Caroline explained.

"I'm sorry Caroline," Seth said, grabbing onto my hand. "With us, it's all or nothing. You make your choice. We're leaving, right now."

He stood up and we stood up with him, but Caroline pounced off of the bed with a new found energy.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Mr. Barrett."

We all stopped, and Alex and Matt raised their guns. Liam sat his hand on the hilt of his Katana and I raised my hand to unsheathe Senshi If I needed to. Abbie, Lyndsay and Callum all had weapons drawn.

"Now, now," Caroline tutted, scolding us. "No need for that."

Just then, the two boys we had seen at the gate when we arrived stood, blocking the doorway. Caroline embraced an evil smirk, spreading across her face in a bitter, cold scowl. She was like a different person.

Two gunshots echoed, and before I knew it the guards were on the floor. Matt and Alex had taken them out.

Caroline screamed in horror as she fell to her knees, grasping at the boy on the left. He was bleeding out quickly, and she was staining her wine coloured dress even deeper. "My boy!" she wailed. "My beautiful, strong boy... no!" She turned to us in a horror-stricken panic. "You fools!" She hissed. "Why?!"

None of us said anything, and before I knew it, Seth was sprinting out the door with us hot on his heels, as Caroline lay sobbing, "Guards!", as she knelt in her own son's blood. We needed to get out of there. Fast.

We sprinted down the stairs and took a shortcut through the labs, where we saw Jacob working. We busted in as Matt and Alex held their guns up, submersing the scientists to raise their hands above their heads in fear. I didn't like this overpower we had obtained.

"Jacob, c'mon!" Liam yelled, katana unsheathed. "We're leaving!"

"No I'm not." He stated simply.

"Jacob!" Lyndsay wailed. "Just hurry up!"

"I am staying here. I belong here. People like me here."

We heard the shouts from guards echo through the building as we watched Jacob do nothing.

"Last chance." Liam panted.

Jacob narrowed his eyes, glaring coldly at our team. "I said I'm staying here. Fuck you all."

"Suit yourself!" Matt shouted, before raising his gun.

"No, don't!" Lyndsay screamed. But, it was too late.

Jacob's lifeless body fell to a heap on the floor, causing the scientists to scream and cry.

We sprinted out of the lab and burst outside into the sun, before the guards caught up.

"Matt what the hell!?" Liam screamed as we ran out of the gates, everyone panting. I could hear bullets hit the tarmac behind us, as we dipped into the main road and back to the garage that we parked the trucks in.

"He could have gave us away." Matt said, with a firm expression. "Nevada Springs, the cable cars. He knew that's where we would go."

No one said anything more as we knew he was right. All we did was run, all the way back to the jeeps, no one running out of breath because of... fear. Adrenaline. Both incredibly similar, and sometimes confused.


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