Chapter Twelve

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I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at it. My fingers got tangled at the end, in a big knot. I cussed and untangled them.
"You know you'll need to... do something, with your hair," Said Abbie. "You cant go out there with your hair that length."
I looked up at them. The light had died down outside, only a dull glow streaming through the shutters now. It was only then I noticed that Abbie's plait was really really short. It shouldn't have been possible to plait it. Looked at her skeptically.
"Well," Calum said. "If we go out there, and you've got your hair flowing about in the wind, one of them Reapers could get their fingers tangled in it as easily as you just did. Then you're dead." He said it with no filter, no emotion.
"So... I cut it?"
Abbie nodded. "I can help you if you want. You know... Kinda... Been there, done that." She tried to joke a bit, indicating to her tiny length.
I shook my head at her offer. "It's okay..." I said. "I can do it."
I stood in front of a dusty mirror, which was leaning on the wall, not hung up, with a pair of scissors in my hand. I thought it would be an easy task, cutting my own hair. But it proved way more difficult than I'd expected.
As I lifted the scissors to my hair, I remembered how my Mum used to braid it and tie it, and do all sorts of things with it. She loved keeping my hair long. My Dad always told me I looked like a little princess.
I cried a lot as I cut it.
Lock by lock, inch by inch, I snipped my hair until the strands lay at my feet. I was left with a fine, choppy hairdo that I thought I suited way better than my long hair anyways. I felt lighter, almost.
I dropped the scissors and walked back through to the room where Abbie and Calum were. They were rummaging through small bags of canned food, trying to make the most of what they found. It didn't look like a lot.
I walked slowly over to them, as Calum stood up he scratched the back of his head. "Okay, soon we'll need to go on a run, but if we ration this stuff out properly, we could last another three days, at least - whoa..." He looked up at me, at my new hairdo. "Nice hair." He said as he walked by and tousled it.
Abbie stood up too, and I noticed her hair was down. It was longer than mine, but still short.
"A run?" She said worriedly. "Like... Out there?" She pointed to the door out to the apocalyptic world.
Calum nodded. "Yup."
I looked back to Abbie. The colour drained from her face. "Oh... alright."
Calum sighed, and turned to her. "Abbie, you know we need to eventually. We'll go out in three days. Copsyn you don't have to, you're a little weak-"
"I'm not weak." I stated, slight irritation laced in my voice.
Abbie rolled her eyes at Calum. "No Copsyn, he just meant from your faint and bite-"
"I know," I said, more compulsive this time. "But I'm not weak."
"All we're saying is, you should rest up some more. You've only faced one of these things yet, we don't need you running into another, unarmed." He justified.
I huffed and nodded. I didn't just want to sit here and eat food someone else had to gather for me, it wasn't fair on them.
So that night, as I lay on a small blanket, listening to Calum snore, I made a plan.
Merry (early) Christmas guyysss!
Im so excitteeddd
And i just realised this is like my first authors note on this story

It honestly feels so weird writing about a zombie apocalypse at tis time of year. Like, everyone around me is like "Ah, christmas, time to merry and happy and whatnot"
And then im just like sitting huddled in a corner somewhere like "there was blood everywhere. Peoples entrails strewn across the ground, staining the road red"
You know so its weird but im fine with it :D
Anyways, thank you guys so much (if you've read my other story) for 12K on Flame! That is fudging incredible!!! Best christmas present evaaaaa XD

Have a merry christmas and a happy new year :)

H x

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