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"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!!" I spun around as my best friend tackled me in a hug.
"Morgan! Hey!" I laughed awkwardly. She looked up at my face with a raised eyebrow.
"What's wrong? You seem out of it." I blushed at her question.
"O-oh, nothing. I was just thinking..." I paused to look at her face. Complete confusion. "I WAS THINKING THAT I'M FREAKING EXCITED FOR THE FESTIVAL!!" I yelled a little too loud. I couldn't help it. I really was excited.
The school festival only came around once a year, and when it did, I went all out. Of course, I had only done it once previously at Karasuno high, but I really did go all out. Setting up an entire haunted house nearly entirely on my own, contrary to the hopes of two boys in my class, who wanted a maid cafe *cOuGhTanaka&NoyaCoUgH*. My class got some good reviews.
"Dude. We're in high school now. You don't need to say freaking." Morgan giggled. I shook my head. "Oh, but if I screamed the f word right next to the boys' volleyball team," I motioned to the big doors next to me, "Tanaka would probably start screaming profanities at me. Then maybe I'd get killed by that tall dinosaur dude."
"Tsukishima?" Morgan blushed. "You ask me, he's kinda hot." I spat out nonexistent strawberry milk. "THE FUCK?"
Oh shit.
I immediately regretted my decision. Giant footsteps could be heard from inside the gym. "(Y/N) FUCKING (L/N) IS THAT YOU WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING FUCKING SWEARING AROUND WHILE WE'RE FUCKING PRACTISING YOU LITTLE SHIT?! I'LL TEAR YOU- oh hey Hinata, no that's just my friend outside gimme a sec- LIMB TO LIMB IF YOU FUCKNG DO THAT AGAIN!!" I could barely hear the rest of his screams after I ran down the hall Naruto-style.
"Where do you think you're going?" Oh shit. I turned around and looked up. A lot.
"Uhm, hiiii-"
"Thanks to you we have Tanaka screaming curses, terrifying our first years and Nishinoya and Asahi, and disrupting our game." It was like a horror movie. What to do, what to do, please do not kill me, or at least let Morgan come too... wait... that's it!
"Hey, Tsukishima, Morgan here has something to say to you." I pushed her over to Tsukishima and ran my ass off. You'll thank me later.

Back at home, I was about to take a shower, when my phone nearly buzzed itself off of the table from notifications. I picked it up and started reading terrifying texts from Morgan. Things like, 'HE SAID HI TO ME OMG' and 'DO YOU THINK WE'LL GET MARRIED?!" Well that escalated quickly, Mo. I sighed and texted her back, explaining that I had to shower and I'd talk to her at school tomorrow.

As I made my way towards Karasuno high the next morning, I shuffled through my bag and began to brood. What if our setup isn't good enough...? What if I mess it all up and the only thing I'm good at goes out the windo-
I was interrupted by a harsh shove, pushing me down to the ground. I began to retaliate in annoyance when I looked up.

And genuinely believed I saw an angel.

His chestnut eyes stared down at me worriedly, a small mole sat under his left eye. He had gray hair, but it was remarkably beautiful, parted in the middle with a cute tuft of hair poking out the top. Am I staring?
He frowned and bent down, picking up my dropped books.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay? I wasn't looking where I was going...!" He said.
Angel. He's an angel.
"Ah, no problem. I was kinda out of it as well." I chuckled as he handed me my stuff back. A smile spread across his face, nearly reaching the top of his cheeks.
"School festival on your mind?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah. I kinda went all out last year, and this year it doesn't seem to be as great..." I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly and smiled.
"Naww, really? My class decided to take a page from the book of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K and show up with rocks. And it's a shame, considering that we're graduating this year."
Ah, so he's a third year. Completely out of my league.
"Rocks, huh? I'd actually kinda like to see that. My class has decided to try a maid cafe. Not excited." I rolled my eyes as we started walking back to school.
"Hmm.... which class are you in?"
"Ah, 2-4..." I stared at a tree the opposite side of him. He's so definitely going to think I'm stupid now.
"Oh, you're in the same class as Tanaka and Nishinoya!" He clapped his hands together and smiled.
"Yeah, I've known them since middle school. I'm like, the only girl they don't fawn over." I chuckled.
"Ah, I see. They're in my volleyball club." He did finger guns and I gasped.
"You're on the volleyball team?"
"Yeah, actually. We're having a game for the festival. Care to watch?"
"O-oh totally! That'll be great!" We both smiled at the same time.
"Cool! Well, I'll see you then, uh..."
"Oh, (l/n). (Y/n) (l/n)." I almost stuttered.
"Ooh, nice name!" He grinned. "I'm Sugawara Koushi. I'll see you then, (l/n)!" He waved as he walked off.
I walked off in a blissful daze, mostly trying to avoid walking into other people.
I did run into someone, though.
"(Y/n)!!" Morgan bear hugged me and I gasped, shook out of my trance.
"Jesus, Morgan! You scared me!" She rolled her eyes and frowned.
"I've been calling you for ages. What're you thinking about? Some new boyfriend?" I blushed and shook my head. "No, I believe I met a real, honest angel." I grinned.
"Wow, congratulations. Invite me to the wedding." She chucked.
"No wedding! We just met! No wedding!" I felt steam rising from the top of my head as I waved my arms around in embarrassment. "He's on the volleyball team, and he asked me to watch their game tonight."
"Oh, what? But you're doing the Maid Cafe. Come onnnnn, I don't wanna walk around in a maid dress on my own!" She whined and I rolled my eyes.
"Clubs come after the classes. If that wasn't the case, I don't think the majority of the students could show up to all the activities. Really, Morgan. I expected better." I chuckled.
"Ohhhh, I see. Well, Noya and Ryu are going to be playing, right? I'll join you. And you can point out this angel to me. Did you catch his name so I don't accidentally call him an angel directly in front of him?"
I fumbled with my fingers. "His name's Sugawara Koushi." I blushed furiously.
"Hmm... what a pretty name..." she mused.
"Oh well. Shall we go get ready?" I pointed towards the bathrooms and she nodded nervously.

Dancing in the Rain // Sugawara Koushi Where stories live. Discover now