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I sat on my bed, eating a sandwich while re-watching Death Note on my laptop for the fifth time.

Despite being knee deep in blankets and having two different distractions, I could not stop thinking about that boy.

"(Y/n), I think I must love you."

And then he just left.


I slumped in my bed, groaning as I tried to get him out of my head.

I could call but I don't want to.

I could text, but... I don't want to.

Instead, I tried completing homework before exams week, which was next week.

Sitting at my desk, I chewed on the end of my pencil, completely lost for thoughts as all of them were used up on one Sugawara Koushi.

I clicked my tongue, stood up and threw the pen across the room.

Okay, now it's getting annoying.

I sat back down, but without the intention of doing schoolwork.

Pulling out a sheet of paper, I decided to write a fake letter and vent my emotions out.

My dear Kou...

I would like to tell you that what you said about loving me shocked me very much. In a good way. Until you left.

Why was that the last thing you said? And you didn't say goodbye or even hug me?

I can't stop thinking about you and it's really irritating me, since we have exams week coming up.

So, yeah. I think you get the point. It's over, my love.

- (y/n) (l/n)

I sighed as I read the letter aloud to myself, frowning at my cold words.

I shoved the letter in my bag, knowing that it would sink to the bottom and be lost forevermore.

And somehow, I got some sleep.

The next morning...

Feeling so much better, I got to school early. I texted my friend group and Morgan told me that they were in the library.

Leaving my bag outside (it's not allowed in the library), I skipped to the table where my friends were at.

"Morning, (y/n)! You're looking chipper." Noya grinned.

"Yeah, and you're up early. What on earth is this about?" I scoffed.

"We've been getting up early a lot lately. You'd know that if you didn't spend every waking hour with your boyfriend." Morgan rolled her eyes, receiving a karate chop on the head from Tanaka. "Oi! You don't hit girls!"

He gasped. "Oh yeah... sorry. But Morgan's just kidding, we love Suga-san!"

"Yeah, as you should." I laughed. "He's an angel."

Third person POV

While (y/n), Yuu, Morgan and Ryu were chatting away, unbeknownst to them, a certain someone was going through (y/n)'s bag, looking for some sort of life-destroying information.

And she found exactly the thing.

She squealed, slapping a hand over her mouth as she read over the letter, which was in (y/n)'s handwriting so everyone would know it was hers.

Sprinting over to Sugawara Koushi's locker, she slipped the letter in before hiding behind the wall, waiting for her once-best friend to show up.

Finally, she thought, finally, we'll be back to normal again...!

(Y/n)'s POV

After playing an epic game of UNO, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I pulled it out, reading a message from Kou.

Kou-ala 🐨🥰

I'm sorry for everything.

My eyes widened as all the blood left my head.

Noya called out my name, but my ears somehow weren't working.

I slowly stood up, before racing outside to find my bag, and going through everything.

But it wasn't there.

Somehow, my fake, rant letter reached my favourite person in the world and I ruined everything.

And that was the day my world ended. 

A/n (sorry for the short chapter)

Did I make you cry? I'm sorry. Take a tissue.  🧻

Hey, but all is not lost, there's still at least one more chapter! <33

-author-chan :')

Word count: 657 (sorry)

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