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Whenever I'm over the moon, so super happy about something, I try to live in the moment, memorise exactly what was going on; the smell, my surroundings, the sounds, everything.

Except for today.

Today, I had completely forgotten that existed.

After buying ice cream, we walked to the nearby park and sat on the swings.

As I stated before, I was not in the moment. In fact, I was just about as out of it as I could be.

I pushed the swing a little using my feet for leverage, and tried to figure out what the duckbill went on earlier.

I hadn't realised that Su- Koushi was speaking to me.

"(Y/n)!" He shook my shoulder and I snapped out of it, staring into his worried, but gorgeous chestnut eyes.

"I am so sorry, Koushi, I was kind of out of it. What's wrong?" I took his hand off my shoulder and intertwined our fingers, a little worried he'd be uncomfortable with the physical touch.

"Oh, nothing." His frown faded and he smiled softly, giving me butterflies for the gazillionth time today. "I was just worried you had snapped into comatose state or something. It's fine."

"I'm really sorry, Koushi, I didn't mean to ignore you. I was kind of... uhm... trying to cog everything that had happened today."

"Me too, honestly." He sighed, and my cheeks started to heat up. "I know it sounds dumb, but I kinda don't want this moment to end. Even if it's not much."

"Really?" I nearly whispered, smiling calmly but simultaneously, internally screaming in joy.

"Yeah. It's nice when I get to hang out with you. Whether or not it's on a.... date."

He seemed hesitant to say the word 'date', although I wasn't sure why. I shook it away and grinned.

"What do you say we go do something fun, then?"


When I said fun, I hadn't imagined riding bikes down the steepest hill in Miyagi prefecture.

"Koushi, I'm not so sure about this..."

"Don't worry, (y/n)! You'll be fine! We'll go on three, okay?"

"Oh, but-"






I screamed as I sped down the hill, glad it wasn't a suburban road. My heart was racing and I believed that I was going to either fall or crash into something, but once I was halfway down, I slightly settled and enjoyed the wind blowing my hair behind me, and the adrenaline. My heart was now racing happily.

Once I reached the bottom, I squeezed the brakes so I didn't fly off into next year. Koushi was already there, grinning wildly and displaying a peace sign.

"See? You're fine! That was fun, huh?" He smiled, laughing at my hair, which was... not as gorgeous as it was when I was at the top of the hill.

"Yeah, it was fun. But I'm suing you if I get heart problems now." I sassed, punching his arm lightly and giggling. He nodded and sighed lightly.





Dancing in the Rain // Sugawara Koushi Where stories live. Discover now