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One hour ago...

(Y/n)'s POV

I excitedly skipped towards the school gates, eager to arrive so that I could say hello to Suga and my other friends.

Five days until the spring dance and I was already getting jitters. It was the first dance I'd even been to, let alone with my love interest.

It would be, quite possibly, the best day of my life.

I had planned it out, scheduled everything, and even-

"Ooft! Jesus Christ, I'm sorry, I..." I started, but immediately stopped myself once I saw who bumped into me.

"You're that bitch from the other day, huh?" The plastic lady frowned as she raised her nose in the air snobbishly.

"And you're the liar from the other day." I sneered and frowned right back at her.

"Liar? Don't make me laugh. Let me guess, Sugawara felt bad for you, so he pretended he had feelings for you, and now you two are going to the dance? Hey, don't blame me. It's not my fault I'm dating the sweetest guy on earth. Maybe it's just your fault you were too late."

"He told me himself he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Oh, poor little girl, I'm sorry you were friend-zoned. Oh, wait, no I'm not, sorry I forgot. I. Don't. Care." She leaned forward so our noses were nearly touching. "Don't come crying to me with your problems, you little whore."

Before I could let her say another word, I shoved my clenched fist into her dolled up face.

She fell back against the wall and covered her nose for a second, looking down at her hand and gasping.

"You bitch! You broke my fucking nose!" She screamed and I rolled my eyes, wincing in pain.

"I didn't break your fucking nose. It's too big for me to break, don't worry." I leaned down and lowered my voice to an almost whisper. "Don't call me, or anyone else a whore. Or next time I'm setting Nishinoya, Morgan and Tanaka on you. And they absolutely hate it when someone disrespects a girl like me."

I stood up and turned around, walking away and holding my red hand. I hadn't expected it to hurt so much to punch someone.

I walked over to my friend group of three, smiling a little when they waved at me.

"Jesus, (y/n), your hand is all red. What the heck happened while you were walking to school?" Tanaka gasped and pointed to my hand, grabbing the attention of the other two at the table.

"Oh, that? Ah, I punched someone." I chuckled lightly.

"You what?" Morgan gasped and placed a hand on her forehead, obviously confused, but attempting to look dramatic.

"Yeah. I bumped into the plastic lady while I was walking here, and she was talking shit, so I punched her." I shrugged.

"What did she say?" Noya furrowed his eyebrows, surprisingly the calmest out of the group.

"Ah, she was just saying stuff about how Suga isn't interested in me, and then she called me a whore."

"Let me go punch her, too!" Morgan growled and started stomping off before I grabbed her shoulder.

"No, no! I think that she's got enough from us, at least for today." I frowned and she hesitantly backed down.

'(Y/n) (l/n), please come to the vice principal's office. (Y/n) (l/n).' The PA announced and I pursed my lips and squinted my eyes.

Dancing in the Rain // Sugawara Koushi Where stories live. Discover now