Tw // blood, murder mentioned
Dream, Bad, Sapnap, Jasper, and a6d are in group to make a plan. a6d finally understands Dream's theory and now he is against Joffrey. They all think how to make a plan without SCP projects wear a collar.
Dream- "Any ideas?"
Sapnap- "Nope"
Bad- "Not all"
Jasper and a6d both shake their head as sign that they don't have any ideas. Dream sighs as no one has no idea what to plan. He looks back at the letter and crunches it as he is going to start commiting a crime if Joffrey lies one of his finger on a6d and Jasper. He is not letting it happen. His thoughts got interrupted as Sapnap speaks up.
Sapnap- "I think I have an idea."
Dream and the others listhen to him as Sapnap explains his idea.
Sapnap- "What if we kill him?"
All except Sapnap shock about Sapnap's thoughts. They all think he's going insane.
Dream- "Sapnap, have you lost your mind? We are not going to clean another blood from a crazy governor. Do you remember last time we have to explain to the cops about Denver's incident? It drove me insane and I have to cover SCP 308's murder. Oh one thing, we were in the freaking news and lucky we survived. I am not going to go through again! Never! Well the readers didn't know about this sheet because the author doesn't want to put it here and they are lazy as freak!"
(A/N: I have reasons why I didn't put that moment where they got into the news. Because why not?)
Jasper- "Well that doesn't sound like a bad idea."
BadBoyHalo- "I prefer not but we have no choice."
a6d nods in agreement of Sapnap's plan. He is going to do it again, or maybe Jasper will do it but who knows. Dream groans in his hand as he disbelieves that out of five people, he is the only one who doesn't want to go through this again.
Dream- "FINE!!! I'm following you but if we go to the news again, you answer their questions."
They all agree and start to work the plot of the plan.
BadBoyHalo- "I think I have an idea. We should let SCP 308 kill Joffrey."
Dream- "Why am I in this situation? He already did once, why should he do this again???"
Jasper- "Maybe I should team up with SCP 308 because maybe Joffrey is stronger than Denver."
Dream- "Okay so....Who will distract him?"
Sapnap- "You, Bad, and I will distract him. Jasper and SCP 308 will do the main part of the plan."
The group finally agree and ready for their plan. They are going to do it sooner or later.

SCP 308 (Minecraft SCP AU)
FanfictionCover by: myself This is just an SCP AU, It's a Minecraft SCP au The story is about a6d who became a SCP creature after eating a weird flower he found in the woods near his home. He is now known as SCP 308. He sticks in the building that worked fo...